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Monday, March 18, 2024

Iori Sagara: Her highly anticipated 'Manga Action' digital book and a tad more....


 Seems there's a period twice a year when we get 'wave' of new gravure models and one of those stretches is currently happening. Of course most look good but to me none really stand out, there's thousands of gravure models but percentage wise I post about so few of them. There are two problems with new gals, one being the majority are less than 22 in age and that's still the cutoff to be introduced. The bigger problem is it means less mag spreads and books for the models I enjoy doing posts for though it hasn't affected everyone. However there has been a big decrease in posts for Miyu and Nene these last three months, could these new models be part of the reason?

 None of these newbies has affected how much we've seen of Iori and I've never seen someone as busy as she has been the past eight months. The 'Nao Year' began on December 1st, this is already her twelfth post since then! She's going at a pace for 38 posts this year, the record is 26 and I think she will smash that record for she does have a pair of mag spreads coming out next week along with at least one more digital book. But Iori does more than modeling and she does appear in many stage plays, this first batch are recent pics from her IG page. The middle ones are for Iori's current play 'Office Shika', think yesterday it ended it's run. The first and last pics are with her best mate Hinako who I adore immensely, have I missed doing posts for her.

 Have one new mag spread that's promoting the book and is from the Mach 5th issue of Manga Action. Iori is the cover girl and these days she usually has that honor, when is she going to have her first regular photobook?

On to the Manga Action book that was released the same day as the above spread, it's not a huge book at 44 photos but of course most are so sweltering! Iori has a  terrific YT site but didn't upload a video for this photo shoot. However she just added a new one called 'Travel Diary' which is for her next book and she traveled to Vietnam for the photo shoot, that's after the pics. Seems YT changed their format today and is it ever horrible!!!!

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