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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Akari Suda: Won't give up her Queenly throne without a battle!!!!


 Did say in a post Saturday how it could be difficult to top her for being this year's #1 fave. But also mused in that post is it a jinx to mention that so early as in the past when that's happened no women did end up being number one so guess I should keep my mouth shut! This makes nine consecutive months for an Akari post and that's by far her personal record. No Blog record though as that mark is 22 months and has been ongoing since June 2022 but have a sad feeling that streak will be broken in March. Think I have been running out of superlatives about Akari as there's nothing left to tell you that hasn't been mentioned before, just wish her popularity would start rising....

 Never do any kind of 'Nao Lists' for the first 2-3 months of a year but try to have something unique in the Spring. Last year did briefly mention about some sort of Honors or perhaps Accolades list, not positive how that would work out but it may prove to be very interesting. Would go back over the last ten years and give points to women for every list they've made plus some other kind of bonus ones. For instance someone would get 40 points for being the #1 fave of a year, second would get 38 and so on. Would also have that for the All Time list, photobook lists and some other things as I am curious who is the most Decorated of all the woman here. As thinking it would be a close match between my #1 Risa and the woman who has the post below this, Rika. By a rough estimate think both have around 300 points, Marie hasn't had a post for eons may also be in the mix. Let me mull that over for a while and if done it would begin in April. Akari would have a solid position but what hurts her a bit is only qualifying for the yearly faves list three times but she's always been so high up there.

 This is now Akari's sixth post for the 'Nao Year' that began on December 1st so she's now up to four times being eligible for the faves list. As long as she doesn't run off and elope this year which I doubt would happen there's no way she would finish lower than fifth and she truly could be my #1 two years in a row. There should be another post for Akari in two weeks as she'll be having a pair of events. On March 16th and 17th plus the 30th she'll be having fan signing sessions for her 2024 calendar so hoping for many pics from those. Have posted the promo pics for it already but she did upload a new one last week and it's so deserving of a Gold Medal!!!!

 Have posted so many of Akari's older SKE cards so lost track of what's been uploaded and what hasn't. So decided to concentrate mainly on monthly cards and have some for March here, the Summer months seem to have the most cards.

 Do have a nice bonus for today, in the past have posted a fair amount of some sweltering AKB/SKE Hawaii cards that came out in 2013/14, here's some that have been posted.

 Managed to find a few others of this terrific set that hadn't been posted before, what a shame there were no videos from the photo shoots or at least Akari didn't have any.

 Have another nice semi-bonus which is this mini spread from the December 2012 issue of Entame. It hadn't been posted until now and does this Blog have more of Akari than anywhere in the world?!

 We've hit the end, just in case there is another post in two weeks don't want to use any more of my dwindling collection of old yet new for here photos. As is the case for most of Akari's posts will end off with brand new pics from her IG page. If she was trying to give me a heart attack with that first pic she may have succeeded(!), there's also a pair of pics of her fave activity which is partaking in the Spirits! Did some searching and there is a video on YT from that Hawaiian cards photo shoot. However Akari is only in the final few seconds but the entire seven minute video is worth a watch as it's so terrific, it also features many members from NMB and SKE, that's after the pics. Oooops, you can't embed the video so here's the link to it: Hawaiian cards video

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