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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Miyuki Watanabe: Another in her endless series of..... 'Who deserves a post more than she does?!!!!'


 Thought when I started weening off doing posts for current J-Pop Idols the total amount of posts would start slowing down but that hasn't happened. However even if I wanted to do posts for Keya, Hina or whoever it'd be close to impossible save for 2-3 members and why have they been so quiet as of late? That's okay as I prefer doing posts so much more for graduates and think most viewers are enjoying these kinds of posts. Have already talked about why the posts for Idols is rapidly dwindling down and the biggest reason could be their ages, three out of the last four posts I've done have been for women 30+ in age but don't think that pace can keep up.

 Miyuki needs one more post to hit fifty and know that pales to many others here. But they have been happening more frequently, she had five in 2022, six last year and this is already her fourth since December 1st. Don't have many current pics for today but there are about sixty(?) that had never been posted before so in a way just about everything for today could be considered new. Was going to wait on this but think(hoping) another post can be done about a month from now. In a little over two weeks Miyuki will be at the 'Kansai Collection' fashion show and then on April 4th will be at some other event though not sure what it may be about. It doesn't matter for it's so nice to see Miyuki busy and I really do enjoy doing any kind of post for her, as I've said too many times to count she will always be my #1 hottest/alluring/sexiest woman 😍 of all time!!!!

 One other thing that has been mentioned often is how time is flying! Hard to believe in six months Miyuki will be hitting the age of 31(!) and I can remember when she was about nineteen, of course she looked superb at that age but there's no comparison to how sultry she has become. Can say the same for her her semi-close mate from SKE/AKB, shame there aren't more photos of them together.... two below are from 2012!

 Unlike posts for most graduates have rarely posted any of Miyuki's older NMB cards. Which is a very good thing as most that you will be seeing are all new for here. Seeing as how it's March here are some 2016/15 cards for the month.

 Don't think the '48' groups have held a Janken tournament in about seven years, of course that word means Rock, Paper and Scissors. Hadn't known this until yesterday and can't believe how I overlooked it. Back on September 17, 2014 Miyuki won the grand tournament that featured all of the members from the groups so that was quite an achievement. Because of that she also got to release a solo single which did sell well, have some pics here form the event and didn't she look so adorable(!), it took place at Nippon Budokan.

 Shame there was no video for the above or least I couldn't find one. Miyuki has been taking a mini breather which is why there aren't many new pics for today but as said in the intro think things will be picking up very soon. She is a part time model for the Bijin Hyakka magazine but hadn't had any modeling pics since October. That is until a few days ago and the first ten pics are brand new from their site, as mentioned looking better than ever!

 That pic right above is a promo for that second event mentioned earlier. Not sure what it's about though sadly doubt if she'll be modeling new lines of lingerie.... one can dream! While I was at the Bijin Hyakka site did find some Miyuki pics missed from 2023, as you can see most are terrific and did need to be posted.

 Sigh, we need new superlatives to describe her, sigh again. Think I've posted all of her mag spreads form mid-2014 until now, there may be one or two that have been overlooked. What had been overlooked were many of her pre-2013 mag spreads which are hard to obtain these days. However in January was able to find eleven of them that had never been seen here before, in Miyuki's last post had a trio of them. Will end off today with two more and of course she looks so much different over a 11-12 year period but still did look so oki doki back then! Both spreads are too mini but least the hotness is sky high, this first set is from the June 2013 issue of BLT.

 If you are a fan this may be your top post of the year, could be mine to date. Will end off with this spread from the August 2013 issue of Monthly Young Champion.... how about that bottom photo! Miyuki has her own YT Vlog and did upload two videos in February so she is becoming busier. After the pics have her newest one where she took a trip to the W Sauna in Osaka, wish the sauna scene was longer but the whole video was quite super duper.

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