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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, March 2, 2024

Miku Kanemura: Is it possible for anyone to surpass her to be this year's #1 Queen????!


 The thing about that title is it could be a jinx, seems every early frontrunner never ends the year as #1. Didn't realize until now but this her fifth post of the year, for 2023 the total was 23. Bet many J-Pop fans have noticed a lack of Idol posts the past month and that will be continuing on for a while. Have to admit I am getting a bit burnt out with J-Pop, not the members who I like just as much as ever but the groups. I've been a J-Pop fan for well over a decade and to my ears the songs these days just can't compare to the older ones. Plus the groups such as Hina have grown so large and too many members never get enough attention. Also seems all of the groups are in such a rut, especially the three '46' groups. They're in  this endless cycle of releasing a single, appear on music shows to promote it, do some concerts after that, take a two month break and then repeat that cycle again and again and again.... Which has gotten so boring and wish there were some new activities or shows the groups would start doing. Graduations of course are probably the biggest reason for me being less and less of a fan every day, will confess Yui's graduation could almost be considered the straw that broke the Camel's back.

 Every now and again have to have a minor rant and a break from certain things such as Idols as it does help clear my head out. HOWEVER none of what I said applies to Miku who I truly adore and there will never be a slowdown with her posts. That brings a smile to many fans faces as she is one of the most popular women here and why not, she really is such a looker in kind of a unique way plus is much more interesting than most Idols. There's still such a long way to go until the yearly faves list begins, nine months to be exact but in all honesty it's going to be tough to pass Miku as being my #1 for the year. The last six weeks haven't been that busy for her, bet she's been working on Hina's new single and preparing for their Spring tour which begins next month. Will be taking a break from group posts for a few weeks or perhaps a month but least that allows things to amass and when possible will have solo posts for members but that's been so difficult lately.

 Doubt if this will be a large post but I do enjoy doing them for Miku and know most viewers can't get enough of her.... who can blame you?! First off are these pics from her IG page though not as many as usual. The fourth to eight pics are outtake ones from Hina's second group photobook that comes out in two weeks. If there's an event for the book and also some magazine spreads to promote it will have a group post sooner than I said.

 Began this post yesterday, can't finish it for Miku will be at an event today. Which is the first major 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show of the year and really hoping her pics from it will be tremendous, that hasn't been the case often enough for my faves the last few months who have attended those kinds of shows. Miku has been a model for the Bis magazine since October 2020 and her pics for them are always superb. But she hasn't had too many spreads the past year but do have some newish pics from their site which all get a grade of A+ from me.

 Up next are the Miku promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, none for Mach yet and as a matter of fact today the site was still uploading pics for February.

 Miku's last post done just three weeks ago has been immensely popular and is about to go over a thousand views. It consisted of her overly alluring pics from volume two of the Triangle magazine/photobook. Shame there's no new pics in that vein for today and do highly recommend checking that post out.

 Did mention how this has been a slower period for Miku and her mates, no doubt because they're working on their next single and getting ready for the group's Spring tour. So sadly there wasn't a huge amount of newish pics for today but will have many after this spread, no new ones for today but would bet the farm she'll be appearing in many very soon. So let's go slightly back in time for this set from the October 4th issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday, it may have been her largest spread for 2023.

 We've hit the end of this semi-smallish yet terrific post. This final batch is from earlier today and the Spring 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that was held at the Yoyogi National Stadium in Tokyo. Miku did look superb at the show and took her stroll on the Moments+ stage, so many women attend these shows so those strolls are never that long. I like the top two pics quite a bit, the first five are from her IG page. After the pics is a photo shoot video for that Triangle spread, the song is terrible but be like me and hit MUTE! There were about twenty short videos between 15-30 seconds, this version after the pics combines them all and it turn out well as it could be Miku's best video to date.

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