Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Saturday, May 18, 2024
Konoka Matsuda: Her exhilarating and eagerly awaited twelfth post!!!!
Think everyone now has a new favorite woman and who can blame you for that?! That last post for Konoka has been her most viewed one ever though it was done only four weeks ago, would be shocked if this one didn't garner as many views. But did think about holding off on this as Konoka's photobook is coming out in ten days and would be very surprised if there was no event for it. So had thought about waiting until then but decided two slightly larger than medium sized posts would satisfy everyone's hunger for her so really hoping that next post can be done in exactly two weeks.
So if a post is done then that would make it four so far for Konoka 😍 this year, two more posts and she would qualify for the yearly faves list and never thought that would happen for her. But I'm not taking having two more posts as a given as solo ones for Hina members are still difficult to do but would love to see some fresh blood make the list. This post is a decent sized one, have over forty new pics plus a few oldies. For that next post know Konoka has a new magazine spread coming out and hope it's more than one. Plus there would be some event and interview pics for the book and hopefully more advance pics to promote it, have some new ones at the bottom that will make your blood boil!
That above pic is an oldie for her birthday and surprised there hasn't been any new promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game for a month. One reason is that there are always birthday pics for a member celebrating a birthday that month and don't have any new game pics yet for May either. Bring that up for on April 27th Konoka hit the age of 25 and she's the oldest of the second generation members. This first batch of new pics are from her IG page and the second one is from her birthday.
That bottom photo above was of when Konoka was asked where she would place Nao on her short list to become her boyfriend, I'm too dazed to think of a witty response! Hina's latest single came out ten days ago and it's getting so harder to have posts for the members and Hina. Some reasons being there's no new pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game and Hina's other two games along with group cards. There are none of those yet for the single so let's go back almost exactly two years for this batch from June 2022.
Did say there was an upcoming mag spread to promote the book, that will be in her next post. Seeing as how there's no other new ones for today let's go back almost a year for this set from the August 2023 issue of Brody which had been posted but did add one more page in.
Do expect to see Konoka have many interviews for her first photobook. The set of pics below are from her first interview that was done with the Crank site and it was informative. Most of the book was set in Vancouver and she did mention it was her second time being there, the first was for a language trip before entering high school and here's the link to it: Crank site
Had a few promo pics for the book in Konoka's last post, here's a few of those again. May 28th is the official date of the book's release and seems the pre-orders are quite high as last week the first reprinting took place but don't know how many copies that was.
Just read that interview again which is three pages long, luckily the word Graduation was never mentioned. So since those above pics were released many more have come out to promote the book, always knew Konoka was ultra attractive but not to this extent, WOW!!!! All of the photos are tremendous but my faves are the second and bottom two. Of course there's no videos to promote the book and there never are for the '46' groups. After the pics have a video from April 27th when Konoka hosted 'Showroom' to plug her book and also to celebrate her 25th birthday.
Always thought that Hina members had the most attractive faces of the three '46' groups. But outside of Kyoko and Miku, perhaps Hina and Shiho, never thought they had all that many 'hot members' and maybe they don't. However did think Konoka possibly was and she proved me right, if she looks this tremendous wonder how a few others may look dressed a bit scantly?
Damn, I never thought Konoka is this hot. She might be the hottest Hina member.
ReplyDeleteAlways thought that Hina members had the most attractive faces of the three '46' groups. But outside of Kyoko and Miku, perhaps Hina and Shiho, never thought they had all that many 'hot members' and maybe they don't. However did think Konoka possibly was and she proved me right, if she looks this tremendous wonder how a few others may look dressed a bit scantly?