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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

BababaBambi: The historical first post for Rina Kannami.... 'WPB' digital book


 At the end of May 2023 two BababaBambi members graduated leaving five in the group. They remained that size until March 14th of this year, on that date they headlined their first ever Budokan concert and announced they were getting three new members. Since then it's been a bit quiet for the group so haven't done any posts for about a month but think they will be picking back up. So hopefully can do a group post very soon where I can introduce the other two members, one gal is on hiatus so the group has only had seven members at their concerts. April 14th was the first time the newbies appeared at a show and they do have a mini tour starting up very soon.

 Rina is the oldest of the new members as she'll be hitting the age of 24 in November. Almost did a post for her ten days ago with a pair of older mag spreads but glad I held off as this post will be much better. Rina used to be in a pair of J-Pop group called LIPRINK and OBP but know zero about either one of them. Did see her in the 2021 drama "Girl Gun Lady" and do remember her slightly, that was a very enjoyable show. Rina changed the way her name was spelled a few years back, she uses a different Kanji plus now her first name is with Hiragana, put both spellings of the name for a label. Am hoping there can be another post for Rina this month which would feature a pair of older gravure spreads plus a new one for this book. Think there may be an event for the book plus sure I can dig up a few other things. Let's get to this book that was released three days ago by the WPB magazine and it contains 59 photos, the above four are from it. I think Rina looks mighty fine and am glad BababaBambi did recruit a slightly older woman

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