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Friday, May 17, 2024

Minami Umezawa: Her unassuming yet captivating 39th post!


 In one of my patented 'blah periods' which tend to last for a few days so if there aren't all that many posts over the weekend you know why. Not that many care but on a bright note the subbing for the "Black Familia" drama was finished yesterday and I've been looking forward to that for many months. Just viewed the first episode again and will write up at least five recaps before publishing any, it does star my #1 woman of all time!

 Speaking of dramas it's been a while since Minami was in one and I really enjoyed her 2020 series "Eizouken" though wish it was a bit longer. The posts for Minami have been steady since last Autumn, there's been three in the last four months so it'd be nice if she could qualify again for the yearly faves list. However have noticed the Summer seems to be a slower time for J-Pop groups and Idols, there are many music festivals but very few singles are released in July and August. Not many regular tours either and perhaps because the weather is much warmer but Minami is someone who I do follow closely so if there's ever a chance of doing a post for her it'll happen.

 Will begin off with some recent pics from Minami's IG page though there wasn't all that many solo ones. You can see who she's with in the bottom photos and it could be the last time the pair are together, they always did seem to be a bit close while with Nogi..... how about that first pic!!!!

 For almost four years Minami had been a model with the With site but that gig ended last May. But in March the Classy magazine signed her up to be a model, did have many pics in her last post done seven weeks ago and have even more new modeling pics from their site.

 Know most would prefer seeing new gravure pics but those above look oki doki to me and is one reason in my eyes Minami is Nogi's sexiest member ever! Her only photobook came out about four years ago and that could be my #1 of all time, will we ever see another? Not many recent Nogi cards but have some from earlier this year that hadn't been posted.

 Sigh, won't discuss anything today but am really missing her old With magazine mate and how can someone like her disappear without a trace????

 For almost two years said I would do a 'Pairs Post' with her close Nogi chum Mai and never got around to it. Let me work on that but don't think things will pan out for of course there hasn't been any new photos for well over two years.

 Have one brand new magazine spread for today that's from the May 29th issue of Weekly Shonen. Minami doesn't appear in as many mags these days but she's usually the cover girl when she does, bet she's had that honor at least ten times with this magazine.

 That was too small of a spread so let's have an encore viewing of a slightly older one that was in a November post. Minami was once again the cover girl and it was from volume eight of a sporadic mag series from the Model Press site, they may have only one issue a year and this was one terrific set of pics.

 Minami always appears at those huge fashion shows but usually none are held in the Summer. On May 3rd she was at the Spring 'Girls Award' show that took place at the Yoyogi National Stadium in Tokyo, there were a dozen other Nogi and Hina members there but once again no one from Keya appeared. Minami took her short stroll on the Grapefruit Moon, stage, there was no video from the show nor have there been any decent new ones so will skip having any.

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