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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Sunday, May 5, 2024
Hinatazaka46: The (un)eagerly awaited fourth solo post for Ayaka Takamoto!
Bet most Hina fans never thought they would see a photo such as that very first one above, will have info about it at the end of the post. Hard to believe this is just the fourth solo post for Ayaka but she's close to having more pics in group posts than anyone else though these days am taking a break from group posts, that goes for Keya too. Don't think this will be a popular post as the first three for Ayaka weren't but she's a member who I have liked for such a long time, really after viewing the "Re:Mind" drama and still think she has the most attractive face of any first generation member.
Speaking of first generation members their numbers are rapidly increasing which has bummed me out as one of the biggest positives about Hina was their stability. Sure fans know that Ayaka has announced her graduation, not sure when the official grad concert will take place but it will be this July. Hoping that another post for her can be done in June and then sadly that may be it for her here though don't think she's retiring from show biz. Did just say how Hina was so stable but that's no longer the case, her graduation will mark the fourth for a 1G member in the last year and only five original gals will be left. That's a huge reason I haven't been doing any group posts and was there any doubt this exodus would begin once the 4G members entered Hina and have been getting such a (too much) large push?
Know that Ayaka's first three posts didn't draw a high amount of views but bet she does have some fans here and perhaps this terrific post will garner her a few more. Have over seventy new pics for today and really just about all are from the last few months, only a few modeling pics go back before December. Not sure where to start so how about some Ayaka photos from her IG page which she also posts at the Hina group blog, could have had more but did try to save a few things for a June post.
Ayaka will be turning 26 this November and her height is close to 163 cm. Bring that up for Hina is an odd group when it comes to heights, very few are around 160 cm and it seems most are either taller than 165 cm or shorter than 155 cm. There hasn't been any recent Hina cards but do have a good amount of them that hadn't been posted before. The first three are from February, the next seven were for New Year's while the last four were for Christmas.
Since March 2023 Ayaka has bene a model for the andGirl site, at the time a Hina and Keya member also joined the magazine. For a while there were many modeling pics but they really slowed down in November, however at the end of April this small batch was added to the site.
Hope that means more andGirl modeling pics will be coming out soon and here's some superb ones from 2023.
Ayaka has also been a model for the JJ magazine but haven't seen any new pics from them for a while. One activity she has always done is attend those huge fashion shows, Friday she was at the Spring 'Girls Award' show that was held at the Yoyogi National Stadium is Tokyo. Six other Hina gals were also there and she took her stroll on the Royal Party stage.... her final time at one of these shows?
One other thing that had been very stable for years was the release of monthly promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. However the last five months those releases have been sporadic, so far none for May and there were zero for March. Have four months below of Ayaka's pics for the game, they're for April, February, January and December.
We've hit the end to this super duper post, the solo ones for Hina members are often quite large but for some reason they're much easier to do than any other kinds of posts. That first pic in the post was the first gravure one ever for Ayaka and I never expected to see one. The reason is that on June 18th she'll be releasing her first ever photobook, three weeks after another member's book. The photo shoots took place in Tahiti and Tokyo, below are advance pics for the book and am thinking that there would be an event for it so that next post should be right after June 18th. Hina does have their own YT channel for member videos but it's been over four months since Ayaka uploaded one. However she did host 'Showroom' on April 25th to talk about the book and her graduation, that video is after the pics.
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