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Monday, July 29, 2019

Korean drama "The Secret Life of My Secretary": Recaps for episode's 23 and 24

 Air Dates: May 6th to June 25, 2019 on SBS, two episodes Monday and Tuesdays at 10:00 pm
Ratings, episode 23 3.0%, episode 24 4.0%

Main Cast:

Jin Ki-Joo as Jung Gal-Hee.... 27 year old secretary to Min-Ik, she's the only person he can see
Kim Young-Kwang as Do Min-Ik.... President of TnT Media, has mysterious vision problem
Koo Ja-Sung as Ki Dae-Joo.... Min-Ik's best friend and a director at TnT
Kim Jae-Kyung as Veronica Park.... major character but hasn't been seen in four episodes
Jang So-Yeon as Yi Yul-Wang.... executive secretary to Dae-Joo
Kim Min-Sang as Sim Hae-Yung.... Min-Ik's uncle who wants the role of president back
Jung Ae-Ri as Sim Hae-Ra.... Min-Ik's mother though not his biological one
Seo Dong-Won as Jung Joong-Hee.... Gal-Hee's younger blind brother
Kim Ji-Min as Jung Nam-Hee.... Gal-Hee's younger sister who wants to attend college 
Kim Byung-Choon as Dr. Gu.... Min-Ik's long time doctor
Han Ji-Sun as Mo Ha-Ni.... part of the 'temp secretary group'
Son San as Koo Myung-Jung.... part of the 'temp secretary group'
Choi Yoon-Ra as Boo Se-Young.... part of the 'temp secretary group'
Kwon So-Hyun as Ha Ri-Ra.... part of the 'temp secretary group'
Choi Tae-Hwan as Eun Jung-Soo.... Min-Ik's new driver

 Whew, big cast and there are more characters whose names will be added if their roles get bigger. As is my norm with 32 episode dramas will be recapping four shows at a time with two in each recap. Keep saying that rom-com's aren't my cup of tea yet seems I've been watching more in that genre lately than any other Korean drama. It's been a hit or miss with them but so far my hit rate is much higher than the failures. To date will count this one as a big hit as I really enjoyed the first four episodes but it is hard to keep things interesting for 32 shows, wish they would decrease the number to twenty for some series. There's quite a few videos on YT for this series such as ones with interviews, behind the scenes and trailers, will have a different one for every post.

 No brain cramp this time so let's delve right into the action, hope you read the above recap. Min-Ik has visited the hospital after their automobile accident to see Veronica and Gal-Hee but has only seen one of them. That's Gal-Hee and Min-Ik has finally come to his senses as he realizes she's the only woman for him. Min-Ik did confess to Gal-Hee about the struggles he's had choosing between the two, Gal-Hee laughed it off as she knew he was choosing between the real Gal-Hee and as her impersonating as Veronica.
 Min-Ik seems to be a bit of a clinger as he had to make sure Gal-Hee is 100% okay, not just with her injuries but with everything she does. As you can see above Min-Ik even washed Gal-Hee's hands for her, may not seem like an interesting scene but it was. Gal-Hee's hand wasn't broken but she had sprained it and needed to wear a cast for a few days. On the cast Min-Ik drew a small heart, the figure may have been small but that will soon be very important towards the end of the recap.
 But there was someone else in the accident who of course was Veronica and how was she doing? Mighty fine too as she only had a slight neck injury, one that will make her wear a brace for a few days. Wonder if her injury was there as so often she's been such a pain in the neck? Dae-Joo couldn't hide his feelings towards Veronica anymore as once he heard of the accident Dae-Joo too rushed to the hospital. Don't know who was happier, Dae-Joo learning that Veronica wasn't badly hurt or her as Veronica realized he's finally fallen for her but he just can't come out and say it.
 It appears as though the missions of Veronica and Gal-Hee are almost complete as they met later on once their men had departed. But the ongoing concern for Gal-Hee is what to tell Min-Ik, sooner or alter she'll have to reveal the ruse the pair have been playing on him and with that confession will the budding relationship be snipped? We'll soon find out but for now things are going extremely well as
Min-Ik even called Gal-Hee at the hospital to make sure she's doing well. Plus at work Min-Ik had asked the secretaries to show him how to make coffee, he wants to make sure that when Gal-Hee is released from the hospital she lives a life of ease.

 For here on out things take a drastic turn, we go from being a somewhat lighthearted show to a very serious one that even becomes a bit sad. The mothers of Veronica and Min-Ik have set up a dinner date with the four of them, to Min-Ik that's okay as he wants to make sure there's nothing going on between him and Veronica. There never has been of course as it's been Gal-Hee impersonating as her but the mothers presumed the two had been dating and wanted to talk about their upcoming marriage!
 This dinner is when the truth about Gal-Hee playing Veronica begins to seep out and for a while now Min-Ik has had a few suspicions but has usually just ignored them. Min-Ik is allergic to peanuts, on their first date Gal-Hee as Veronica knew that and made sure Min-Ik didn't eat any foods containing them, at the time she said Min-Ik's secretary had warned her of that. But during this dinner Veronica gave Min-Ik a heaping amount of peanuts, he sat there in bewilderment as didn't she know he was allergic to them? To keep everyone at the table happy Min-Ik chowed some of them down but his suspicions about who is the real Veronica have hit an all time high.
 Those peanuts did quite the job on Min-Ik's stomach as he had to rush to the men's room, Veronica soon was on his tail as her mother forced her to follow Min-Ik. Once he settled down Min-Ik exited the room to find Veronica waiting and now the moment of truth is almost upon us. Min-Ik took out his phone to call Veronica, of course she was right there but he said he wanted to make sure he had the right number. Min-Ik did have the correct number but it was for the other Veronica or should I say Gal-Hee who answered his call.
 Gal-Hee answered the phone imitating Veronica's voice, the pair had set up a meeting after the dinner and Gal-Hee said she would see him then. Veronica was standing right there listening to the conversation, for once in her life Veronica was at a loss for words and especially when Min-Ik asked 'Who are you?'. When there was no immediate reply Min-Ik turned on his heels and left the hotel where the dinner was held, he's one angry young man and wants to come to the bottom of this mystery which to him is a very cruel one.

 That's Gal-Hee above waiting for Min-Ik, for days she's been preparing how she's going to tell him the confession of her impersonating Veronica. However Gal-Hee never was able to say those words which were actually very kind and apologetic ones to Min-Ik, she was too dumbfounded to say anything. That's because soon after they met on their date Min-Ik angrily asked Gal-Hee what was going on, why were the pair doing such a vicious joke against him?
 Min-Ik still can't see faces, the only one he can see is Gal-Hee's when she dresses up in her usual attire of glasses, a red cardigan and a skirt. But even though Min-Ik still can't see Gal-Hee's face he knows it's her impersonating Veronica. There was a huge mistake done on Gal-Hee's part as she failed to remove the cast she had worn, didn't she realize Min-Ik would see it and the heart he drew on it? Naturally Min-Ik noticed the cast and also a pair of earrings that she was wearing. Those earrings had been bought by Min-Ik who had put them in Gal-Hee's bathroom at her house.
 The original ones were fake but Min-Ik thought he would surprise Gal-Hee by buying the expensive originals but Gal-Hee had never noticed the switch. There were a few other suspicions that Min-Ik had and which were answered, such as his allergy to peanuts which only Gal-Hee knew about along with a few other tidbits that only Gal-Hee and not Veronica should have known. Min-Ik may have been angry but he didn't go into a tirade against Gal-Hee, it was more of him being extremely hurt and wondering how could the pair of them do such a cruel act against him?
 That speech Gal-Hee was prepared to say is by the wayside as she had no idea a situation like this was going to take place. Gal-Hee just stood there listening to Min-Ik break down and wonder why she could do such heartless things to him. She too knew it was a bit heartless but never knew how much it could hurt MIn-Ik. Really the only words Gal-Hee could utter during this encounter was 'I'm sorry' which really had no effect on anything. This wasn't too long of an encounter, Min-Ik had his say and when Gal-Hee couldn't respond to his questions Min-Ik just left the scene where he went home and really broke down.

 May not have sounded that way but it was an extremely sad and depressing encounter. Jumping slightly ahead as I'll discuss the ending first. Was very surprised that Gal-Hee showed up the next day at work, would think most of us would have been too ashamed to do that. Gal-Hee wanted to apologize and explain why she did those cruel things to the man she truly loved but once again the words just couldn't come out. Not sure if it will really happen but you can see above Min-Ik telling Gal-Hee she's fired and can you blame him for doing that.
 Before that final scene there were two other important ones, first was with Min-Ik on the roof of TnT Mobile talking with his best friend Dae-Joo. Min-Ik is pressing his buddy about the attack that took place in the second episode, the detectives working on the case have discovered new evidence that shows Dae-Joo knows more than he's letting on. The assailant has been identified as Min-Ik's driver Jung-Soo who has disappeared, seems Dae-Joo knew the man before the attack even though he denied it, Min-Ik wants to know exactly what is going on.
 Once again Dae-Joo had the answers but this time they're not quite good enough. For the first time it was revealed that Dae-Joo had been the one who hired Jung-Soo as Min-Ik's driver, that had taken place at a wake but also with the help of his secretary Lee. Plus Dae-Joo gave some lame excuses on how CCTV footage caught him with Jung-Soo before he got hired. Min-Ik wasn't buying any of it and neither were the detectives who were on the scene and wanted to bring Dae-Joo in for questioning which he agreed to. But before he departed Dae-Joo gave Min-Ik the contract with Cinepark, the one Veronica signed that gives TnT the run of the companies day to day activities, it was a major coup on Dae-Joo's part. One other thing Dae-Joo did as he was leaving was that now that the contract was signed his days at the company have ended, Dae-Joo told Min-Ik to consider him an ex-director.
 Final tidbit deals with the head secretary Lee, for so long she's been a mysterious character and had been hoping her role would become more important. It has though the scene lasted for less than two minutes and in it Lee had met none other than Jung-Soo! He referred to Lee as his 'boss', for so long we thought Min-Ik's uncle had hired Jung-Soo to tail him and perhaps ordered the attack on him. That's not the case as Lee is behind the the plan to topple Min-Ik from his main director's position. That leaves us with so many questions and none were answered as the very short scene took place at the end of the 24th show so we'll have three intense cliffhangers going into the next recap.

 Intense is the correct word as this series has really changed and perhaps for the better, unlike most long dramas this show really had no filler in the middle episodes. Have eight of them to go or four recaps, what I've been doing up until now has been two recaps back to back with four episodes. But for the last batch will have four recaps in a row as I expect so much to be taking place and it'll be much easier to follow the developments if all the posts are in a row. Haven't viewed any shows beyond this one but will start on them tomorrow, if things work out according to my plan will have those four recaps next Tuesday.

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