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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, July 6, 2019

Rika Izumi: Another slew of terrific new pics for Nao's new number one(?)....

 Wouldn't say that 'new number one' is all that accurate as Rika has held that position on my faves list for over a year. But have really only been following her since July 2017 or shall we say she's now celebrating her second year anniversary here and I was hooked from the first second. But because I hadn't been following Rika for too long didn't include her on my 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list which was done last Autumn. If there ever is another one of those lists, not for two years though, would have to say it'd be quite the upset if she didn't take the top spot.
 There's no doubt the word perfection enters my mind every time I view a Rika pic and seems many others are huge fans too. She finished 14th on that 'Most Popular Gal' list which was done yesterday though honestly thought she'd crack the top ten. If there's one minor complaint it's that Rika seems to no longer do gravure spreads, she only did them for about a one year and wonder why she stopped? Doing them really made her more popular than ever and during that time she released a photobook which was a very good seller. She did turn thirty last October and perhaps she felt it's time not to do gravure pics at that age but she does look better than ever,
 That's okay though as Rika dressed elegantly is very hard to top and almost always would prefer to look at those pics of her over skimpy dressed Idols. Actually there is one other complaint and that's the lack of recent events. Back in 2017 Rika must have appeared at 14 of them, last year that number dwindled to five and so far this year just one in January. Have no clue why she's stopped attending them as she's a sought after spokesperson and she looks so classy at events.

 But Rika has really increased the amount of modeling she's done over the past year and it's impossible to count how many clothing companies and sites she represents. Have a whole bunch of new pics for today which is kind of surprising as her last post had well over fifty of them. That post was done about a month ago and is still in the top ten for most viewed posts for the past month. Think this is her 30th post overall and very few have had that amount the past two years. On to some of those modeling pics and in all honesty have no clue how many there are for today, this first batch are from the Maquia site and she's been a model for them for about five years.

 Voce is another site she's been a model for seemingly forever, more new pics from them.

 The only kind of pics I can't recall Rika modeling are wedding dresses, bet she'd look unbeatable as a bride and approaching 31 she's still firmly single. Will take a short break from modeling pics as these are newish from her Instagram account and sure you recognize one gal in the bottom two pics.

 Last Rika post had a large amount of pics for the Honey's Summer collection and have even more fabulous pics from them, think they're all new.

 Most posts have pics from the Mercury Duo site and today is no exception.

 Rika is also a model for the Bijin Hyakka magazine and her spread sizes have been increasing though she's not in every mag, she was the cover girl for their April issue.

 Oggi is another mag Rika appears in often and once again she was a cover girl for an April issue, bottom two pics are new from their site.

 This turned out to be a biggish post so what I'm going to do is hold on to some pics so there's not a long gap between posts, there still must be close to fifty new ones for today. Final item is from a travel website called 'Tabi Labo' and back at the end of May they had Rika travel to the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore, the special set came out on June 21st. Have plenty of pics from the site but the great bonus is a video of the trip after the pics, such a shortage of videos featuring Rika on YT.


  1. Man, I only discovered her last winter when she did the Nami cosplay. She is incredibly gorgeous with an amazing body.

  2. Amazing body is puttting in mildly, think if you look up the word 'perfection' in the dictionary you'll just find a pic of her! Rika is also such a classy and elegant woman, wish she kept doing gravure spreads but there's nothing wrong with these current pics. Don't know if you've seen her 2017 photobook "Rika" which may be the top one of all time. She's about to turn 31 in October and was 28 when the PB was released, these pics put almost all others to shame....
