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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Kyoko Fukada: A mega amount of recent happenings....

 No new scantily dressed pics but this is going to be one of Kyoko's top posts to date and she's had quite a few of them though it never seems she has enough posts. What I noticed about these new pics is how much more beautiful Kyoko has become lately, she's always been a knockout but seems she looks ten years younger these days. She is the oldest woman I post about on a regular basis but seems there's only three or four posts a year though all must have seventy or more pics like today's does.
 Last September started on my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list and don't regret any of the choices I made. Kyoko didn't make the list but she barely missed and think she was in the 22nd position. If that list was done today she would make the top twenty, so many of them have remained way too quiet and I'm tired of my bigger faves living off of what they did five or more years ago. Will eventually do another of those lists but wouldn't be for a while, if I'm still kicking perhaps next Summer? That's a year off and seemed I needed that time to compile the last list.

 Was just looking over the list of activities Kyoko has done over her career and it's incredible the amount of things she has done over the past twenty years. There's little doubt she's been the busiest actress in Japan as she's appeared in more dramas, films, CM's, events and other things then the next five actresses combined. The younger generation really needs to look to her as a Queen and try to follow in her footsteps.
 When I mentioned events Kyoko has appeared at so many over the years, bet I've posted about 25 of them and have three for today which have all taken place in the last two weeks. The first one was a press conference for a special NHK-Hokkaido TV movie for their 150th anniversary, now that I think about the movie aired tonight. It was titled something along the lines of 'Eternal Nishipa- The man who named Hokkaido'. As you can see her co-star is an Arashi member and though I can't stand the male J-Pop groups they're okay to me and do enjoy their variety show. They are disbanding next year and though AKB and Nogi may sell more singles they're still the #1 pop group in Japan.

 Kyoko's newest drama is titled "Daughter of Lupin" and it is a series I'm going to watch. Actually can't say will be watching as I already did view the first episode which aired on July 11th. Kind of a wacky show but one that appears is going to be a fun one but think I may wait until it finishes to watch the entire series and will be recapping it.

 On July 7th there was an event that featured the main cast and it's a very strong one though none are major stars. Except for Kyoko perhaps and to me her best dramas or films have been the ones where she plays some kind of daffy character and this role fits her to a T.

 Last post was done over three months ago and can't recall if this spread was in it. Even if it was sure most missed it and she was the cover girl for the April 2nd issue of Flash.

 Kyoko has been an exclusive model for andGirl for over two years now, was just at their site and grabbed these pics. Most are new though not all, remember at the top when I said how she's looking a decade younger? Pics here are good proof along with the ending batch.

 Plus she's the cover girl for their August edition.

 Have another Kyoko set from Flash magazine but this spread is from a special edition that came out last week titled 'Girl'.

 Whew, we've finally hit the end and to me these are the best pics for today. Kyoko will be turning 37(!) in November but tell me she doesn't look so much younger than that? On July 8th she was at an event, three in nine days(!), for Tokyo Gas to promote a new campaign of theirs to cut your energy bills. Sure if she walked into your residence you could turn the lights off as she certainly can light up a room!!!! The event was also to promote some new CM's for the company and have one after these tremendous pics.

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