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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Nao Kanzaki: Thanks for.... TEN MILLION VIEWS(yay!)!!!!

 Would think everyone knows who that is above as she was voted the most popular woman here according to her post average. It was a solid pick but a very unexpected one to me, am a big fan of Erika but didn't imagine she would finish in the top five or even ten as I thought two other Nogi members would have beaten her out. In other Nogi news the lineup for their new single was announced and before I get into the meat of the post let me have a mild rant about them.
 To me the lineup is the worst the group has ever had, as you can figure out I've been a huge Nogi fan for a while yet will not be listening to the new single which comes out on September 4th. There's just two vets on the front row, Mai along with Erika is is row two(!) and the center is a 4th generation member who I've never heard of. She's just seventeen which means I can't post about her according to my rules, there's two others in the front row who are just 15 and 17!
 The lineup is just so disappointing to me and won't post any pics from the single save for some with my faves but zero with any of the fourth generation members. I'm a tad mad with what took place and guess the Nogi posts will be slowing down for a while. Don't know about other fans but I'm getting up there in age so I have no interest in following females that are so young, if this is what the future holds for the group need to look for a new one to follow. Sigh, don't know if anyone else has any opinions on the mess but would love to hear any of your comments.
 Actually had planned on taking a minor break from Idol posts these next seven to ten days but think the posts are still going to be of many faves around here. Haven't been doing posts for Mio Imada who is such a huge fave here, will have a post for her along with Tsubasa, Yuki F,  few announcers, gravure models and for the most part the non-Idols who you viewers like quite a bit. Decided on that before the above incident happened but if she has any mag spreads may do a post for her....

 .... That's Mina and on a bright note she has her first photobook coming out in August, have been clamoring on her having one for about three years now and with SKE also having a new single soon may have to start following them a bit closer.
 Rest of the post will be much more positive, just had to get that Nogi debacle off my chest and I'm really disgusted with that lineup. But the main thing for today is to thank all of you viewers for....
Ten Million Views!!!! Had no goal in mind when I started this blog nor how long I would keep it going. It's getting close to eight years and in all honesty don't think there will be another eight but one never knows.
 With it becoming popular that's kept me going and have had a few streaks where I've gotten tired of blogging. But the visitors here have really increased, at the end of one year there was just 50,000 views, took to the fourth year to hit one million. But in the four+ years since then have had nine million views or a little over two million a year so you can see how the popularity has increased.

 Can never get tired of viewing her pics and hope there's many upcoming spreads promoting the book. Back to the milestone and it usually took about six months to get a million views, that's been the average the past four years. But this last million just took 142 days to get which is a record and that means viewership is up over 21% of what it was a year ago. That 142 days would have been less had I not been working on that other blog and did very few posts for about three weeks as viewership plummeted but that's to be expected when there are no new posts to view.

 Not sure what time the milestone was reached, perhaps 5:00 am or so? Took that screenshot on Friday morning about 7:30 am and it was a busy night for viewing as I didn't think ten million would be hit for a few more hours. So once again thanks to all viewers and I do appreciate your comments, do try to answer most of them. Here's a few other stats and viewers from Japan continue to dominate as they're over 48% of the viewers but that number is as low as it's ever been. Kyoko still leads with the most popular posts and no gal will ever reach that top one. But Maki's post has remained quite popular and is moving up though it was done almost six years ago, it's about to become #2.

 Think this could end up being a long post but kind of an interesting one two as I'll be expanding a bit further on that recent 'Most Popular Women Here' series. As you know it was figured out by the average views for their posts so all of the stats were only compiled by me, it's you viewers who have chosen who you enjoy the most and most of your big faves are the same as mine though there are of course a few exceptions.
 Will take a brief look at who didn't make the list and why, the criteria was that you needed ten posts from January 2018 until now which was 18 months or average one every other month. That post with the top eighteen is worth a view if you missed it, it was done about ten days ago. Here's the top five gals whose posts are the most popular ones by their average views going from five to one. Actually why not post the link to that post?

 All excellent choices, was surprised by who was #1 but think the viewers faves are to be commended, especially number four. My top five of the eighteen would be slightly different, won't include Nanami as she's retired but she may have finished in the top spot so out of the top eighteen popular gals by you viewers my top five would be these working up to number one....

 No matches but if any of the top eighteen knocked at my door there's no way I would turn them away!!!! Let's end off with looking at a few who didn't make the list and actually it could be a long segment. Some are huge faves of mine and for so many of you viewers also but none could make the easy criteria of being eligible for the list, ten posts going back to the beginning of 2018 shouldn't have been too difficult if you were busy. But had also wanted to keep things current, some popular faves of mine haven't had a post for years so hard to say they're the most popular for current viewers.
 But one who is and also a big fave of mine is Sayaka. She has 41 posts but only about five solo ones in the past two years and she may not have many in the future either. She's still been busy since her NMB graduation but her activities really don't make for interesting posts. Had she qualified her average of 912 views per post would have out her in the 11th spot for being most popular.

 But what was shocking is the gal who would have finished in the seventh position with an average of 1,061. That's Sayumi who I knew had many fans here but didn't think so many. But of her 29 posts only one has been done since the beginning of 2018 as most were done from 2013-15. Think she released a new single recently but would doubt she'll ever have any posts in the future though would certainly love to have a few for her, she just turned 30(!) yesterday.

 There's two other women who would have made the lsit had they more posts or at least current ones. Riho happens to be one of those gals and she's someone I like immensely, she has the post right below this one but have only done three of them for her since the beginning of 2018, may have another one this week. The average for her posts is 1,174 views and that would have placed her in the sixth spot, she finished 20th on my all time top twenty faves list.

 The final gal who would have made the list if she was eligible was Yui Ichikawa, haven't done a post on new things for her since 2016. She got married that year and while still active as an actress no longer does gravure spreads or photobooks. Think she's a decent actress but her popularity was from her ultra skimpy pics and would have to say she's my #1 gravure model of all time, really miss her. The average for her posts is 986 which would have landed her in the eighth position.

 Think in December will have another list in this same vein but just for 2019 posts and think the cutoff date will be November 30th. The criteria will be very easy, for now six posts is what I'm thinking someone should have at the least, which is a post every other month. if there's too many would increase it to eight but would like to have at least thirty women who are eligible and will have the main list consist of twenty females.
 Not sure how many are currently eligible after 6 1/2 months, ten would be my guess but perhaps it's more. Here's a few who are eligible to make the list or some who am 100% sure will be on the list.

 Of course you see a few Korean actresses above and really hope one can make the top twenty list. Odds are against it but Suzy may have a chance but would really like to see Ki-Joo make the list. Will also be having a 'Top twenty faves list of the year' for 2019 after taking a break last year, would expect those two do make the top ten and perhaps even top five.
 Will end off with this batch who are others who I know will make the list. Guess when I said ten are already eligible was a bit low as I think there's a few more than these faves. Right now the two most popular are the bottom two and though it's early think there's no way Risa won't end up being my number one fave of the year but besides her there may not be too many Idols.


  1. Congrats! I was a lurker for a while and came here some time after watching Liar Game, as that is still my favorite Japanese drama series. Erika has been my favorite Japanese actress ever since, and she was how I found your site.

  2. Thanks, no where close to the amount of views you were getting but many millions more than I ever anticipated. Odds are good I won't be around for another ten million but who knows, took almost eight years for to hit this mark but have got eight million of them in the last four years.
    Erika is still my fave actress from Japan or at least for current ones. In exactly four weeks she'll be hitting the age of 31 and have a feeling there's soon going to be a slew of Erika posts. Her new drama begins in September, have four new mag spreads and a few other things and am just holding on to them until she appears at some events. Agree with you too on 'Liar Game', lost count on how many times I've viewed that first season, fifty?
