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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Nanase Nishino: 'Graduation Concert' photobook

 Was thinking again about how we see so few Idols continue their singing careers after they leave their group. Hello Project gals seem to go on being singers and wonder if that's because they may be a bit more talented? Group's like C-ute with five members or Juice=Juice with seven make it difficult to hide behind others so they need better singing voices and that could be why many carry on musically. However huge groups like AKB or Nogi with twenty or so Senbatsu members make it easier to hide behind others and even the centers don't seem to have many solo lines.
 Nanase seemed like a decent singer but kind of hard to tell how good she really is. She did have six solo songs on the singles which were good but am curious how she may do in  a solo concert doing 15-20 songs. Seems like she's still very popular so wonder why Nanase hasn't released any solo singles? Of course they wouldn't sell as well as Nogi ones but they they make just as much money for a record company. They would just have to pay one person to sing versus forty which is how many Nogi has on their singles, true their company makes a bundle off their sales but they do need to pay so many members.

 Have posted a few other graduation photobooks in the past which are definitely much different than regular Idol books. All of the pics are from Nanase's final Nogi concert which took place last February 24th in her hometown of Osaka. The PB came out on June 29th, probably sold well but can't remember any of the figures. Still can't believe I haven't viewed the entire show yet but in all honesty forgot about until just a few moments ago, will do so sometime this month. On to the Nanase pics which are from that final show, of course this is nothing like a regular photobook but there are many excellent pics which total 76.

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