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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, March 2, 2020

Yui Kobayashi: Her monthly post for March(#1?) as her dominance to rule the Earth commences....

 Unfortunately there's been a huge shortage of Keya mag spreads the past month, I actually don't think there's been any and at the most one. Blame that on the group's lack of new music as it's now been 53 weeks(!) since their last single, my guess it'll be early to mid May when single #9 is released. But least the group has been a bit busier lately such as appearing at events and have a couple of new CM's. No mag spreads for today but that doesn't mean this can't be a terrific post because it is with over seventy new pics for here, hope there can be a second post this month for my current #1.
 To date no fave who has been number one in the first half of a year has finished in the top spot but think this year may be different. Yui is so far ahead of everyone at this point, it's actually as if she's in a league of her own. Have known about her for three years but until a year ago hadn't noticed her enough, of course the main reason was because she was a bit too young. But had noticed the amount of mags she appeared in and would say Yui has been in more mags than any other Keya member though as mentioned they've slowed down drastically. If she does retain the number one spot for the next nine months it'll mean two years in a row a record will have been set. Last year's #1 was the oldest ever to top a list, Yui would be the youngest.

 Though zero mag spreads do have quite a variety of things and I'm really hoping there can be a second post for her this month. Yui is currently in the drama "Joshikousei no mudadukai" or at least I still think she is. She was just supposed to appear as a guest in the third episode but has been in two others since then, she plays a transfer student from Austria(?) named Lily. Her episodes are available but won't post any recaps about it yet as there's a chance it may be subbed. One short segment was from the show though it's not downloadable, just going to wait to see what happens but here's a few screenshots from the very odd drama.

 That new hair color is for the show, shocked me a bit but am growing to like it quite a lot. Yui still has the color which is why I'm thinking her role in the drama may have become a full time one, these are blog pics from the show's site.

 Yui also did an interview for the series with the TV Guide site.

Have plenty of older Keya cards to get to as I never posted any of Yui's until a month or so ago. They're for Keya's mobile game 'Keyakise', they also have a game for 'Uni's on Air'. As you can tell some of the pics are old and if there's ever one object I want to see under my X-Mas tree....

 Nogi has about five members who are part of the With Online OL campaign. Yui is the only one from Keya who is part of the campaign and if you ask me her pics top Nogi's by a mile. These are all brand new from the site but as you can tell the pics were taken a while ago because of her hair.

 We've hit the end and though it may not seem it this was a huge and fabulous post. On Saturday the Spring 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show was held at the Yoyogi Stadium in Shibuya. It was a one in a lifetime show as no fans were in attendance due to the virus scare in Japan, the arena holds about 15,000 for shows. However it was streamed live plus photographers were there so there were just as many pics as always.
 Yui took two strolls at the show, the second batch was with one half of the 'W-Watanabe' duo and wonder why they split them up? They were promoting a new Aeon Keya card that comes out tomorrow. The first set of pics were from a solo stroll on the 'R4G' stage and while they may not appear so they're among the most seductive pics you'll see all year. Yui slowly taking her coat off is kind of breathtaking to me and what she wore underneath was kind of alluring too, she did some gravure pics for her PB a year ago but none since then. That's okay as to me these pics all rate an easy A+++++++! Plenty of pics here from the show and the next one will be held on April 20th but sadly there's no videos available yet from the show. So after the pics have a video for Keya's new Aeon credit card, many members are also in it but it's definitely worth a watch.

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