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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Park Eun-Bin: Another in the 'She needs more posts' series....

 Don't think Korea has been hit as hard as Japan has with the virus crisis though could be mistaken on that. But do know like them all huge events have been cancelled or postponed which really affects my posting of Korean actresses. Most posts seem to have 25+ pics from events, all of them look terrific and as I've mentioned a few times think actresses event pics are often better than Idol mag spreads. So there will be a slowdown on posts for them or at least posts with new activities, shame as I wanted to try to have at least five actresses eligible for this years top twenty list.
 That title may not be all too accurate as I think she now has the second most posts of any Korean actress. Most of Eun-Bin's activities since late 2018 have been posted about along with a few other things before that time. So for her next few posts will be filling in some of those missed happenings, realize they don't make for exciting posts but they may if you're a Eun-Bin fan and have noticed she does have a fair amount here. Count me as a huge fan too, if the year stopped today she'd be #2 on my yearly faves list which goes to prove you don't need to be a skimpy dressed Idol to get my attention. Still eight months to go before the list starts so number one is a possibility.

 Above is from the "Stove League" drama which I just finished recapping and enjoyed it immensely. It's Eun-Bin's fourth drama I've viewed in the past 2 1/2 years, recommend all of them but especially this one and "The Ghost Detective". Was going to talk a bit more about the SL drama in this post but thought why bother? as there's sixteen recaps for all to enjoy(!). But may be having a bonus post or two with many behind the scenes pics and other bonus happenings, think there may be a special show for the drama too. Screenshots here are from the last four episodes.

 Against all judgement decided to view Eun-Bin's 2016 drama "Age of Youth" aka Hello, My Twenties. For two years had wavered about watching it and actually had said a firm NO a few months back. But sometimes decisions aren't always final so last night began on the series which I thought would be too fluffy and girly. But have to admit that first episode was so much better than expected, going to view the next show after this is done. There's a total of twelve shows, will be doing a recap of them in pairs with the first set later on this week. Eun-Bin's character's name is Ji-Won and the only negative about the first show is that she didn't appear until eight minutes were left though her role will be a huge one.

 That series aired in late 2016, after that is when Eun-Bin changed her looks a bit and what an underrated attractive woman she is. Before I begin the recaps will probably do an intro post with pics from the event for it along with whatever else there may be for the drama. Do have some fine interview pics for the series which I was going to include in this post but will save them instead for that upcoming post. But do have some fine Eun-Bin pics from a 2018 interview with the 'News.Joins' site that took place in August and was for her superb "The Ghost Detective" drama.

 Those are some terrific pics above, perhaps most prefer ones from Idols and can't blame you but she's kind of hard to top looking like that. More interview pics but these are brand new from the 'Hankyung' site talking about the success of the SL drama.

 As always there's a shortage of mag spreads for Korean actresses but they look so darn fabulous at events I can live with the shortage. Have a pair of older Eun-Bin ones for today, three pics from the October 2016 issue of Singles while the others are from the January 2017 edition of InStyle.

 Unlike most Korean actresses who dress a bit flashy and seductive at events Eun-Bin usually dresses in a down to earth style though not 100% of the time. For today's first event she was definitely dressed quite conservatively, these pics are from the VIP premiere of the "Heungbu" film that took place on February 13, 2018 and wish she appeared in more movies.

 Another batch of VIP premiere pics which are for the "Threesome Nights" film and it took place at the CGV Wangsimni Theater in Seoul on July 13, 2015. I really like these kinds of Eun-Bin pics, as I've said before she does have some thin legs but I think they look magnificent. As was the case for the above post am having a problem with YT as I can't play any videos, it's never happened before and don't have one clue why.... anyone else have the same issue?

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