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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Nogizaka46: The third of two(?) 'limited edition Yuki Yoda' posts!- The bonus edition....

 Was going to make the previous Yuki solo post her final one but did say if there were many new pics then may have another.  As you've deduced that's the case and it's a bit of a spur of the moment post as there's been such a slowdown with new happenings couldn't think of anyone to post about. It can also be considered a 'thank you' post from her as it's been immensely popular, it may be the most viewed post of the month at any time. Have some fabulous pics today as you can tell by viewing the above two which had never been posted before and I'm certainly at a loss for words, gulp....
 Bit of a different post as there's zero new mag spreads nor any new event pics naturally as all have been cancelled in Japan. But do have close to fifty new Yuki pics with about twenty from her second photobook which are all new for here. If you Nogi fans have been noticing there's been many solo posts recently and I expect that to continue as there's been also a slowdown with Nogi activities, wonder if that will affect sales of their new single coming out in five days? Probably not seeing as how it's a graduation single but there won't be any upcoming concerts for the group.

 That top pic is from Yuki's first photobook, have only seen a few from it and seeing as she was only seventeen at the time won't ever post the pics from the PB. Will go off on a side note for a few sentences as there will be a post for a new Nogi photobook coming up soon. That's of Mizuki's and have had the PB for a while now. But want to wait until it falls out of the top ten for sales so was thinking around the second week of April to have the pics from the book. If the pics are posted too soon may affect sales and I don't want to get another warning about posting photobook pics. Here's a few blog/Instagram pics for today's honoree.... I'd be honored of she made my breakfast....

 Those bottom pics are from a March 9th event for the book which came out the following day, it's the last event I can recall any fave appearing at. Really feel there's going to be a slowdown for everyone coming up so am trying to hold a few pics back so there's no shortage of future posts. For instance do have many and I mean many Yuki cards from the past year that have never been posted, will have some in every of her posts. Hmmm, had said there would just be the two and now three posts but have a feeling there will be many more coming up.

 Yuki has done quite a few interviews promoting her new photobook, will have the sales figures at the bottom. She doesn't have to dress skimpy to get our attention though it surely helps, this batch of pics are from the Crank site.

 More Yuki interview pics from the Real Sound site.

 We've hit the end and though it probably didn't seem it there are fifty new pics for this post. Title of the photobook is "Mukuchina Jikan", it was released on March 10th with the photo shoots taking place in Sicily and Milan, could thing she got out in time. First week sales were tremendous as the total amount of copies sold was 130,145, there's been a printing of 200,000 which will definitely need to be increased.
 Be a while until the pics from the PB will be posted here but do have some brand new pics that are both outtake ones and from the actual book. Some you may have seen but there's close to twenty new ones here if you include the two at the top. Have always liked Yuki but not overly so until recently, she just may have become my #1 third generation member and I've run out of adjectives to describe some of these pics.... My one wish is that one day there will be a video from a PB photo shoot, bet a DVD would be a massive seller. After the pics have a new group CM for 'auPAY'.

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