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Monday, March 9, 2020

Nogizaka46: The second of two(?) 'limited edition Yuki Yoda' posts!!!!

 WOW(!), there should be a law that there shouldn't be such a seductive pic such as that bottom one which could end being the #1 pic of the year. That's from Yuki's second photobook while the one above is from her first PB. Did say in her first solo post there would probably only be these two posts as there's just been so many recent Yuki happenings didn't make sense having them in a group post. Still do plan on having just two posts for her but then again if there's another rash of Yuki pics will have more posts for her. Surprised that first one hasn't made the top ten for most views  but have a feeling this one will, there's been so many fabulous posts lately perhaps that's why.

 Those two are also from the PB and most of this post will be devoted to it. This will definitely be one of the top Nogi solo posts of the year even though there's just one mag spread and it's funny that it has nothing to do with the book. Yuki has been busy promoting the photobook doing interview pics with some sites, her last post had some of them. Have a few more of them today though this first batch just has four pics which are from the Nikkan Sports site.

 Twice as many interview pics from the Oricon site.

 Here's the one mag spread which is from the March/April edition of CM Now. Last year Yuki won an award for appearing on the most mag covers, third year in a row a Nogi member has won it and she's in line to win it for a second year in a row.

 Title of Yuki's second photobook is "Silent Time' and the photo shoot took place in Sicily and Milan. This is shaping up to be one of the best selling books of the year. At first there was a printing of 140,000 copies but the advance sales have been so huge there's been two more printings to bring the total up to 180,000 copies. Can think of one PB whose sales may end up higher but that's it as this should be the best selling Idol book of the year. Easy to see why with pics like this, has she developed into perhaps Nogi's most bodacious member?

 You may recall this former member who wasn't all that popular....

 .... hope she doesn't slap me for the comment! Nanase has had a trio of massive selling photobooks and it appears she's like us as she's mesmerized by the book's pics!

 Those are from last night's 'Showroom' episode as Yuki was promoting her PB on it. She looked quite good on the show and was actually a bit funny, it's not subbed but worth a view. Have the video of it at the bottom of the post and the above gal makes her appearance at the 19:46 mark.

 "Silent Time" comes out tomorrow but if you're in Japan it is already March 10th. Think it's funny how two days ago had this premonition that the event for it would be held the day before it's release. And voila(!), it happened as the event took place today at the HMV store in Shibuya. Yuki is a bit too young but have to admit she's looking so attractive and these pics from the event are terrific, perhaps she should get a promotion to just having solo posts which is quite an honor. After the pics is the video from yesterday's 'Showroom'.

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