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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Nashiko Momotsuki: Pair of arousing new mag spreads plus a bit more....

 This is already Nashiko's fourth post of the year but it just seems the total should be higher. She'll have no problem reaching six to qualify for the yearly faves list and would be shocked if she didn't make the top ten. Nashiko has become quite popular here though none of her posts make the top ten for most views, her posts usually barely miss finishing 13th or so. As mentioned do have a pair of dazzling new mag spreads and to me no gravure model or Idol has topped Nashiko's spreads from the past two years, really wish she would release a regular photobook.

 As mentioned in one of her January posts Nashiko has been a nurse for close to three years, that's impressive to me and can't think of one other person I've posted about that has done that line of work. Granted she's such an incredible gravure model these days but also does some regular modeling work such as these new pics from the Pivot Door site.

 Nashiko really used to be such a good Instagram poster but has really slumped this year, these are her only pics for this month.

 Nashiko is also a model for the Bis site, will have some of those pics in her next post. Am hoping that won't be too long from now as Nashiko did mention she's going to be featured in the next issue of Smart, these are a pair of mouthwatering pics from the spread.

 Nashiko has been doing a bit more acting these days, did see her in one drama but her part wasn't big enough. On April 2nd her next series "Garo- Versus Road" will be starting, her role in this show will be much larger. Pics here are from 'TheJp.tv' site site and an interview for the drama.

 Now on to the pair of breathtaking spreads, Nashiko's popularity has really risen as she's usually the cover girl of the mag she appears in and this set is from the March 12th issue of Weekly 
Shonen Champion.

 Not sure why it took me so long to do this post as the other spread is from the February 18th edition of Manga Action. Nashiko is once again the cover girl and it's a shame the mag never has videos of their photo shoots as their spreads always rate an A+. After the pics have a newish CM for Sakai which is a moving company, she's had a few others for them in the past.

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