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Saturday, January 27, 2024

BababaBambi: Their exhilarating new 'Young Gangan' mag spread plus much more!


 The difference in heights between he two is 16 cm which is how much taller Mio on the left is than Miyu, that doesn't look like 16 cm though does it? Did a member post four days ago and for it had discovered that on January 11th BababaBambi announced at their site on March 14th that their activities would end under the current system. There's been no other info since then and aren't the words current system very vague? Does it mean they're switching management, a member is leaving or joining, they're disbanding or something else? I have no clue on what's going on and would be a bit bummed out if they did disband as I've grown to like them quite a bit. Wouldn't make sense if they did break up for they will be headlining a concert at Budokan and they've worked so hard to become as popular as they've become. They have still been performing concerts and have an event coming next month so their activities seem to normal and guess we'll just have to wait for more info. Two more pics of the tallest Mio and shortest member Miyu who is also the shortest woman I've ever posted about though most are like me and don't notice her height....

 Will have something about the other four members for today but not Miyu. On February 13th she'll be celebrating her 23rd birthday so want to hold back anything new until them. Have some recent group blog pics and three are promoting a February 17th Valentine's event. The bottom pic is for their March 14th Budokan concert and some of those items will be for free if you have a ticket.

 Let's get to the member's new pics and first off is Rui with this spread from the February issue of Entame. She too is a short woman as her height is just 151 cm, what a short group they are and she may not look it but birthday #27 will be in October.

 Saeko too is a bit of a shortie as her height is just 149 cm but it's hard to tell heights often when a member isn't standing next to Mio who is the tallest. These are some brand new IG photos and she too will be turning 27 which happens on July 1st.

 At 156 cm Usa is a bit taller than the above two gals and is the group's youngest member as she won't be turning 21 until May but she is the most popular member here with you viewers. Have the link to a new interview with theTV.jp site where she talks about a new mini photobook and a bit about the group but it had to be done before the January 11th announcement: theTV.jp interview

 Last for the members is Mio and I am completely smitten with her 😍 !!!! Just did a post a few days ago for her so not much has taken place since then though she did do an interview for the Hominis site where she talked about her recent Young King Bull digital book and a few other things but not about BababaBambi possibly disbanding. Have the link to the site, at 162 cm she is the tallest member and will be hitting the age of 27 on June 10th: Hominis interview

 For the Young Gangan spread there were some bonus pics at the magazine's site. Each member had two and in order they go Miyu, Mio and how about that third pic(!), third up is Usa who is followed by Rui and last but not least is Saeko.

 Last up is today's main feature which is the Young Gangan magazine spread that's dated for February 2nd. As you can see the group has the cover and will I be so broken up if this is their last major group spread. They do have their own YT channel and used to upload so many videos but there's been zero for so many months. After the pics is a newish video from their January 17th Zepp Diver City show and they really do out on such entertaining concerts.

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