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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Haruka Fukuhara: "IP: Cyber Sosahan" drama, episode one screenshots and recap


 Air Dates: July 1st until ????, 2021 .... Thursday's at 8:00 pm on TV-Asahi
This episode's rating was 10.3 %, the Olympics will interrupt at least two episodes

Main Cast: The setting is the main Kyoto Police HQ, the Cyber Sosahan team is a unit of the force dealing with cyber and other technical crimes.

 Haruka Fukuhara as Kizuna Komiyama.... Recent graduate of the Kyoto Police Academy and the first show begins off on Kizuna's first day. She's 25 in age but besides wanting to be an officer she also has a secret agenda which is why she joined this team which always doesn't get much respect from the other departments.

Kuranosuka Sasaki as Issei Yasumiya.... The chief of the unit but not the official leader. Yasumiya is quite an oddball and has such unique ways of doing things but he's usually correct with his theories, does he have a secret past with Kizuna?

Shotaro Mamiya as Shohei Tawada.... The main detective of the team and once held the position with the regular Kyoto police department. He'll usually be paired with Kizuna on cases as it's those two who will do almost all of the leg work, could he also be a Mole in the unit?

Tetta Sugimoto as Eitaro Hiratsuka.... Director of the unit though you could say even he takes a backseat to Yasumiya's orders but Hiratsuka knows much more than he lets on.

Keiko Horiuchi as Nanami Kawase.... Main video analysist on the Cyber team.

Kaito Yoshimura as Takuya Okabayashi.... The unit's computer nerd and a bit of a hentai.

Chika Nakagawa as Himari Hatano... Forensics worker who is a fan of the Cyber team.

 May add a few names in if these recaps continue

The drama's homepage: TV-Asahi drama site

 The main reason(99%) I'm recapping this and any future episodes is because of Haruka. She has become such a massive fave of mine and how I've missed posting about her as she's only had two for the year so far. Been trying to work on some but they always end in a failure, so thought why not recap this drama but will be doing it in a very unique way. For this show only took screenshots of her character Kizuna but will give the details of this case(s) and do have 65 screenshots which should please Haruka fans as she has the co-lead in this series. That does sound like a lot of screenshots for just one character and that's because.... this episode was 88 minutes long!!!! Wow, longest regular episode I've ever viewed but the the others should be normal length. 

 You can get these subs at D-Addicts and one other place but need to give a warning. They weren't the worst I've ever seen but they were quite bad so I did have to edit the subs to make them respectable and unless you edit them you may miss many of the details. This was a decent show so if you're interested in my improved subs make a comment asking for them, will reply with a link to the subs.

 It's Kizuna's first day on the job and before I get into the meat of the case plus her adventures will describe briefly what she walked into. The Cyber Sosahan team had been working on a phishing scam case where a man would call a victim claiming to be from the tax office. This had been going on for a while and there were over a hundred who were scammed but finally the location of the culprits was found out by Yasumiya. In the bottom screenshot above with Kizuna is the team's main detective Tawada and he'll be teamed up with her going to track evidence, doing interviews and such. Tawada was at the scene where the culprits should be but it appears most were tipped off and only one person was there who tried to zoom away in an auto but had been stopped by Kizuna. So while this phishing scam has been halted it opened up the doors to a more major case and before the team can solve that they first must solve the mystery of a death that occurred five years ago.

 Fixed most of the sub lines though not all which you may notice. So that man caught at the scene, Kizawa, was brought to the main station and often the Cyber team isn't involved in a case where it involves murder. Say murder for at the scene, which was a warehouse, Kizuna had found a dead man but he was neither shot nor stabbed. But this time around the Cyber team will be aiding in a murder case because in this man's stomach a USB chip was found, the dead man's name was Ishimoto and you'll be seeing that name often. He was a detective on the Kyoto force five years ago but had been forced out for dealing with the Yakuza which may not have been the truth.

 The two main police divisions at the Kyoto HQ are always at odds with each other, both wanted to be the ones to discover what was on the USB chip. Bad mistake for Division One who put it in a laptop, soon after the entire system at the station went down and the USB chip was the cause, the creator of it now wants a ransom of $9 million within five hours or all of their data will be erased! So because of that the Cyber team was involved in both cases, above is the main sleuth of the team Yasumiya who is an odd guy but he gets results. No one on the team or at the station has ever questioned Yasumiya's methods until Kizuna arrived and her questioning Yasumiya helped solve the case.

 Promise not to make this much longer, just wanted to do a quick overview and as mentioned Haruka was overdue for any kind of post. That ransomware also disabled the power for a few minutes at the station, just long enough for the suspect Kizawa to escape. He then  ambushed an officer and stole his uniform which made leaving the Kyoto HQ a snap. But he was eventually seen by a CCTV in the Gion section of the city, Kizuna and her new partner Tawada rushed to the scene though so didn't 25 other officers. But it was the Cyber team who found Kizawa first and dashed after him but were a tad too late, that's because in front of their eyes the suspect Kizawa was stabbed to death! It was a man from the main phishing syndicate who refused to cooperate with the police but Kizawa's death was definitely to keep his mouth shut. 

 The investigation now turned towards the other dead man named Ishimoto who it appeared joined this phishing outfit after he was canned by the Kyoto police. The entire Cyber team, especially Yasumiya, checked out his activities from five years ago and it was all thanks to Kizuna's advice. Ishimoto had been working on a death case, one that was ruled a suicide but he had his doubts and stuck with the investigation. Shortly after is when he was framed for working with the Yakuza, did that death and this new phishing scam have anything in common? The man's name who committed 'suicide' five years ago was Shizuno, Kizuna and Tawada visited his mother for more info. She said her son had a popular blog but the mother Junko said she knew zero about computers and couldn't answer any of their questions.

 Final segment and the Cyber team was able to figure out when and where a person edited Shizuno's blog, it's key because there had been no new posts since his death. The team was able to trace it to a university computer lab and of all people to access the blog it was Shizuno's mother Junko who claimed she knew zero about computers. So obviously that was a lie and acting on a tip they found her at a political speech where she was about to stab a candidate named Okunuki. Kizuna and Tawada arrived just in time as Junko was lunging towards the man with a knife but was thwarted by Kizuna. Now with her in custody so much of what took place was revealed and Junko was both a victim and culprit.

 Junko knew Ishimoto from five years ago and was so disappointed he had been thrown off the case. She kept in touch with Ishimoto and was the cause of his recent death which was an accident. He had refused to help Junko any longer on the case which she was irate at, the two struggled and Ishimoto just happened to hit his head against a pillar which led to his death. But she was the one who put the USB chip in his stomach, it was so a detective would plug it into a computer so she could access the info they had on her son. That ransomware was an entirely different matter which the Cyber team solved. One more major event which was why did Junko attempt to stab that candidate Okunuki?

 Tawada was the person to drag the details out of this slimy man who was about thirty in age. Okunuki and his trio of friends had used Junko's son many years ago to set up drug trading on his blog which was about astronomy, when he threatened to go to the police Okunuki threw him off a mountain bridge to his death! So justice was finally served but five years after the fact, it was Okunuki's powerful father who had got Ishimoto thrown off the case to save his son. Hard to say it was a happy ending as a few people were murdered and we never did learn what happened to the mother Junko. Naturally much more took place and there's one minor thing to end the recap off with after these pics.

 Those bottom two screenshots were from the final few seconds where we learned Kizuna's secret reason for joining the Cyber team. She has an old photo of her deceased mother, to Kizuna it's a clue on who her father is and could it possibly be her leader Yasumiya?! That'll be an ongoing storyline and will have to say I enjoyed this first episode though at 88 minutes it may have been too long but on the other hand there really weren't any unimportant scenes. First time I've ever done a recap like this, not sure whether to continue on with it as the rest of the shows will normal length ones. As mentioned every screenshot features Haruka and have another forty below! Her birthday is in five weeks, hopefully can have a regular post then but would love to have many more than that.

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