Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Sunday, July 18, 2021
Rika Izumi: Happy fourth anniversary!!!!
Sigh, wish the title had read 'Our fourth anniversary!', sigh again for the rest of my day(life). Hoping there can be another post to follow this one but don't think that'll be the case, been trying to have one for my #7 fave of 2020 but sadly that's been a failure.... for two months! That title refers to the fact it was four years ago when Rika was introduced here and as I mentioned in another post recently, the rest is history! This makes 56 posts in that span or fourteen for a year which only one other gal, possibly two, has topped in that period of time. If you're a Rika fan then you'll love this post as there's 71 new pics plus a batch of older ones so the total for today will top ninety.
Whew, the temperature went way up where I'm sitting and wonder why?! So while Rika does have a solid core of fans here that group has dwindled the past two years. To me there's no doubt because gravure pics from her are rare these days though it's truly hard to top her modeling pics and to me they look better than most scantly clad Idols. Will admit that I wish she did have a few more new sweltering pics but if we never see any more that's okay as there are plenty of perfect ones from the past.
Next month will do a preliminary list for this year's top twenty faves, for a while thought Rika would be in the hunt for finally being #1 for a year but don't think it'll happen for her. But for the fifth year in a row she should finish in the top six and no other woman has ever equaled that impressive streak. Will be doing my second 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list next Spring and though Rika has never been number one for a year she has an excellent chance of topping that all time list. But she's not quite out of the running for this year's #1, with a busy next four months she could claim that top spot. Enough of an intro and let's get to these superlative new pics.
This first batch are only semi new as they came out in February but had missed them. This set is from the With Online site, she's not a model for them but does appear in their mag a few times a year.
Rika is someone who isn't into posting too often on social media sites which is a huge positive in my eyes as I'm not a fan of any of them, just four IG pics since the beginning of June.
What I've missed so much in Rika's posts this year is her attending events and have always said her classy style at them is unbeatable. So let's go back in time with this tremendous set of pics from April 2017 and an event to promote her first photobook "Rika", that was a solid seller with over 50,000 copies sold. Few of these pics were in her second intro post but many are new for here, if you've never viewed the beyond perfect pics from the PB here's the link to the post: Rika's first PB
Not too many recent modeling pics but will be ending off with a large set of them. But do have a trio of mag spreads and there hadn't been many previous posts. Before we get to to them have some super duper new modeling pics from the Oggi site.
This first mag spread is actually from a website, it's the second time Rika has been the Tokyo Calendar woman of the month but wish the set was larger though that second pic....
That bottom pic is pretty darn good too but it'd be so much better if it was just her, second spread is from the August edition of Maquia.
Here's another thing that I had missed and it's one of the largest spreads of the year as Rika was the cover girl for the April issue of Bijin Hyakka.
Rika will be in a pair of dramas though they will be the same, a part one and two. They're titled "Mikkoku wa Utau", the first one airs from August 22nd until September 26th. The second series with almost the same name will be airing during that same time but will be slightly different as it'll be focusing on her character of Nako, her second lead role of the year. Final batch of pics is a large one and while they may look too tame to most they're all beyond flawless to me, these are from the Snidel Autumn collection yet Summer has another two months to go?! Following the pics is a promo video for this collection and highly recommend viewing it.
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