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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

"Toki wo Kakeru Band" drama: Episode four of ten recap


 Air Dates: August 19th to October 21, 2020 on FOD at midnight. It then aired on Fuji from October 19th until December 7, 2020 at 12:25 am. Title also means Time Bending Band
Subs were done by Nippon Golden/aoinousgai

Main Cast: Top three are the members of the rock trio Chahhan and would say all are twenty in age. Seems they've been together for a while and do have a contract with a small record company but fortune hadn't been smiling on them and the trio have been wavering about disbanding. That was until a man from 2019(?!) appeared suddenly one day and vowed he would make them stars! These first four shows began off in August 2006.

Sei Shiraishi as Yuki Ebana.... The group's guitarist and main singer, that's her second to the right above. Yuki is quite a strong willed woman who wants to make most of the band's decisions but is mellowing out slightly, her mother works at a Ramen shop owned by Toko's father.

Yuno Ohara as Toko Murakami.... Chahhan's drummer and as mentioned her father owns a Ramen cafe. She's the opposite of Yuki as Toko started off the series by being so meek but with the help of their 'new manager' is slowly changing that. She's on the right in the above pic.

Mijika Nagai as Shiori Kato.... The band's bassist and writes most of their songs. She's kind of a gloomy gal who often threatens to kill herself, though Shiori sounds serious she would never go through with it. She gets way too nervous playing live and has passed out twice at shows.

Shohei Miura as Ryo.... No last name for now and claims to come from the year 2019!? He was a record producer in that future year and so far we have no clue how he's gone back in time thirteen years. He quickly became the band's manager and vowed to make them superstars. We see a few glimpses now and again in the year 2019 where it appears Chahhan becoming successful was true, also seemed he was on his 'death bed' in that year.

Mizuki Itagaki as Seiichi Izumi.... Member of the rival band Three Dimension and there's a lot of references back to 1960's music. Seems like a decent guy and Toko has a crush on him though it appears Yuki may be his dream girl.

Hiroyuki Watanabe as Yuichi Yanagishita.... Executive at the small FMR company who has worked closely with the girls. But he's gotten frustrated at their lack of success, though he does like the band he's on the verge of dropping them from the company.

 Audio clip of the group's 'signature' song which is OrangeOrange

Links to the previous shows:


 Did mention in the first recap that there's a lot of references to older bands and music, as you can see in the first screenshot this episode's title is a take off of Queen. Now that Chahhan's new manager Ryo has helped the band overcome their individual problems it's time to step it up a bit. In the next two shows there will be some auditions for a music festival, what the girls need are some new songs as we've only heard "Orange" to date so how can they do a concert with only one song? A new tune is the main topic of this show but they still need may more than two songs.

 While the bassist Shiori is the best writer according to everyone "Orange" was written by the Yuki who plays the guitar. Guess she may be the main singer too but hard to say that when Chahann only has performed one song to date. Shiori and the drummer Toko had thought "Orange" was  a love song but that wasn't the case, Yuki had written it about her hamster who died! So as you can see above Yuki has vowed to write her first love song and mainly because Ryo who said that's the kind of songs fans are into these days but then again he did say there's too many of those songs. If Yuki wants to pen it really needs to be original but to date Yuki has never even gone out on a date!

 Writer's block came quite soon to Yuki who doesn't appear she'll ever be a prolific songwriter, Ryo suggested the pair go out for a stroll to clear her head. On that trek the two ran into Seiichi who is the front man for Chahann's rival group Three Dimension. This was the first time Ryo had met the man who seems to be slightly older than Yuki who is twenty in age. Ryo noticed from the first second that Seiichi is head over heels for Yuki who has never noticed a thing, romance is not her forte. Won't give asway any spoilers but in the next episode we learn from Ryo that the two will become a couple in the future and that Seiichi's band Three Dimension will be immensely popular. The girls from Chahann haven't pressed Ryo too much about all of his 'future talk', that will be changing in slightly in the next show but he's hesitant to reveal too much of what happens with the band.

 Yuki's writer's block seems to have evaporated and it's on to writing her first love song plus that means Chahann can play two tunes at an audition. Right above is the group's bassist Shiori who had just heard a rough draft of the song along with the drummer Toko. The word Eisei has three meanings in Japanese, for this new song it'll be referring to a satellite or perhaps a moon. It was a love song to an extent, the girls and Ryo liked it but all threw in a huge 'But....'. It's a slower song which Yuki only wrote for the guitar and never thought how the bass and drums could be added. Ryo had stressed for a band it's very important to work on the music together which Yuki hadn't thought about. So will this new song be one the band will include in their audition video?

 For this upcoming rock festival new bands need to audition for it, there will be a few rounds with the first one being a video of a band song. Yuki really wanted to include "Eisei" on the video even though it was far from finished, Ryo and her Chahann mates voted for "Orange" Not that it's a superb song but it's already been on a CD so it's complete plus it's a much more rockin' tune. "Eisei" is just too slow of a song and in all honesty Yuki's mates didn't tell her their true feelings of the song, it has potential but needs much more work. Even Chahann's fans agreed as when they put the two songs on their band site, "Orange" won by a landslide for which song was better.

 Each episode we see about a minute of Ryo from the year 2019 where he originally was from, we still haven't learned how or why he ended up in 2006. But as you can see the band kept on working on the "Eisen" song which was a massive hit but it didn't become one for thirteen years? In 2019 Ryo is in the hospital which is another mystery, seems he's been there for a while and does that mean he doesn't have much time to live? Back to 2006, by a vote from their website and by the customers at Toko's father's Ramen shop "Orange" is the song the group will create a video for but it will just star Yuki and Ryo. Toko will direct it and Shiori will be her assistant, she's always nervous in front of a camera so Shiori didn't mind not appearing in the video. 

 Seeing as how that filming took place in the last two minutes we have no clue if the audition judges gave the "Orange" video a high mark. That you'll learn about in the recap for episode five, if they pass then they have to perform live in the second stage of the audition. Should have that recap along with the one for the sixth show this weekend. At 21 minutes in length these are definitely not long shows so they're easier to write up so perhaps all ten episodes can be recapped by the end of next week. It's certainly not a must watch drama but I'm finding it quite enjoyable.

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