Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Yui Kobayashi: Her distinguished monthly post for July....
Though I'll say once again didn't have a post in February but think only one other woman has had a post in at least six months this year. On the 2020 fave's list seven J-Pop Idols made the cut and all seven should be on this year's list. But two Nogi members have graduated and one from NMB will be doing that soon though one new Nogi gal should make her first appearance on a yearly list. So that'll bring the total to five Idols and though it may seem they get a huge amount of posts there's never been more than eight on the yearly list. Bring that up because Yui will be among those four along with a Keya mate and one each from Nogi and Hina. What's happened with the other J-Pop groups then(?), at one time SKE used to have at least two members make the top twenty but now it'll be three straight years with zero members and that's also the case for Hello Project gals.
No birthday this month but that'll be taking place in October, seems about twenty of my bigger faves turn a year older then. On last year's list Yui was in the tenth position and probably would end up around there again this year. But in my eyes she's #1 material and also could be the most likable Idol, Keya's(Sakura) lack of activities has hurt her career. But then again this is Yui's sixth post of the year plus she did have nine in 2020 so she is keeping busy enough though there's been a decrease of things compared to the previous two years. This is kind of a biggish post with fifty new pics since her last one in June plus have 25 older ones that had never been posted before.
Have mentioned often how Yui's posts have been the most consistent of anyone since January 2020 as they've all received about the same amount of views. That is until some months back as it seems Yui's fan base has decreased and hasn't made many new ones, while almost every post gets more views compared to a year ago hers have dropped more than anyone. Will admit these aren't too exciting nor are there ever new gravure pics but to me these posts are hard to top. Let's get to those fifty new pics and will start off with some recent ones from Keya's Diary group blog.
The 'Keyakise' online game will be ending in August and that's one reason there haven't been any new promo cards for about a year. This will her last batch of those cards but have probably posted well over two hundred, these are the final ones you've never seen. And of the five hundred or so cards that have been posted for everyone would have to say the top five here are my faves to date.
Hopefully there will some sort of new Sakura game and there really hasn't been many new things since the name change. But Keya still has the Smartphone 'Uni's on Air' game that also features Hina members, these are new pics promoting the game.
Another batch of older pics that had never been posted and they're from July 2, 2019. They're from an AEON event to promote a new Keya card that came out at the time, did have some pics in another member's post but not Yui's. As a matter of fact not sure if she's doing work for AEON as a new CM just came out and she didn't appear in it.
Speaking of AEON they sponsor a short two minute video with a new one every two months. It's called 'The Gift' and a Keya member travels to a shop to purchase a gift for a friend or a group member. For the second time Yui was a guest on the short as which aired on Monday, she went to a semi ritzy store named KEYUCA and in a bit of a surprise she picked out a gift for Sawabe who is the co-host of the group's 'Keyakitte' show though the name has changed. It was an early birthday present for him as he'll be turning 35 on July 31st and would have said he's much older. Screenshots from the way too short video and as you can see at the end she pays with a Keya AEON credit card, maybe because of this is why Yui wasn't on their new group CM.
July 27th will mark Yui's third anniversary as a With magazine model. These are new pics from their site and in my eyes there aren't many better modeling pics than hers from the last few years. But only have ten new ones for today and usually there's close to 25.
Will be ending off with this spread from the August issue of With. Though not on AEON's newest CM Yui was part of a group discussion about the card and other things, not the most thrilling video but she and Risa look so darn good in it, that's after the pics.
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