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Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Tantei☆Hoshikamo" drama: Episode six recap


 Air Dates: April 26th until June 28, 2021 on NTV, Tuesdays at 1:00 am
 Subs were done by Jumping Storm/hsjhoshi at LJ

Main Cast: Very small one really, just the top two characters get much screen time though the third person does to an extent and so don't each episode's clients.

Daiki Arioka as Hoshi(kamo).... His full name is Hoishikamo but is always called Hoshi in this show so will refer to him by that name. Hoshi is a private detective whose office is in a second hand goods store that was left to him when his parents died, he's close to thirty in age. He's quite frightened of women and has rules set up to how close they can get to him. Hoshi doesn't appear to need money that badly and is extremely frustrated that most cases he gets are cheating ones between spouses.

Yuki Katayama as Tsugumi Karato.... Hoshi's new assistant at the store and also for his detective cases. She hired herself for those positions and also had hired Hoshi as an investigator in the first show to track her 'stalker'.

Yoshinori Okada as Detective Soda.... Local detective for the police force and such a bumbler you wonder how he ever got that position. 

Keisuke Horibe as Joe.... Hoshi's sensei/mentor but have only seen him for a minute in the first two shows.

 Links to the previous shows, would read the first recap if you haven't to see what's going on:

 Don't mention it enough but you've been able to tell by the screenshots. Which is that most of the action takes place at Hoshi's used goods store, he doesn't do a lot of business but what a collection of interesting and oddball things he has in that store. Once again there's been no new developments in the murder case that took place in the first show. The inept detective Soda is in charge of the case but has gotten nowhere and we didn't see him until the final minute of this show. The person murdered was a detective for another precinct, Hoshi had gone to detective school with the man but was never a friend. So though not much happened with the case there was a brief scene which may not be important now but could be in solving the murder. Still have that feeling by the end of the tenth episode Hoshi will somehow be the hero by solving the crime.

 No ghost at Hoshi's store but there certainly were many eerie sounds that creeped him and his assistant Tsugumi throughout the day. So badly the pair pretended to leave that night but instead back tracked to find out if it's true about ghosts coming out at night. Luckily for the duo it's just an adage but there was someone or something creeping around Hoshi's shop! Pointing his flashlight at the figure Hoshi was amazed to find it was his detective school buddy Yomoda, that's him above in the bottom screenshot. He confessed it was him who had been responsible for those eerie sounds during the day but they shouldn't have been frightening as it was just him making coffee or typing on his laptop. That's all fine and dandy Hoshi said but why was his friend secretly in his shop all day long? Hiding out was Yomoda's reply and Hoshi began wondering was it from the police?

 No it wasn't according to Yomada, someone even more terrifying who was his editor Sako! Instead of becoming a detective like Hoshi after graduating Yomoda became a novelist whose stories about crime have made him semi popular. But Yomoda's having a difficult time with his current story and was being hounded by his editor to meet the deadline. So he thought he would hide out in Hoshi's shop for a while to complete the novel, Yomoda thought Sako would never look for him there but he was mistaken on that. However Yomoda is still having problems with the story, most of it is finished but not the ending where the crime was solved and he had no clue on how it would be solved. Below are two screenshots of Hoshi's mentor at detective school whose name is Joe. They're from a flashback and thought he'd be an important character but have only seen him for two minutes to date if that much.

 So after not seeing each other for a while the two old friends naturally reminisced about their detective school days but wonder how Yomoda knew it was Hoshi's shop? The conservation turned to an old mate at school named Kutotani, he's the man who was killed in the first show and the case is at a standstill. Yomoda brought up the murder and Hoshi asked his friend how he heard of it, Yomoda kind of skirted the issue by saying he heard about the tragedy from a source of his. Hoshi didn't come out and say it but seems that explanation has aroused his curiosity as the identity according the the detective Soda wasn't released to the press, how could Yomoda know it was their old classmate who was killed?

 Nothing more about the murder was mentioned but at the end of the show when Yomoda was leaving the shop he did have quite a sneer on his face. Almost as though he knew he's passed a fast one on Hoshi and could his old friend be tied up with the murder of Kurotani? Back to the more pressing situation which was helping Yomoda find a proper ending to his story. It's a 'Locked Room Case' as the victim had been murdered yet the door was locked from the inside plus the room was on the fifth floor. So there being no regular case for Hoshi to solve in this show he 'hired' himself for Yomoda's mystery and by him solving the case his friend should have an ending for his novel. Past four cases his new assistant Tsugumi helped Hoshi out quite a bit in solving a case but not in this show.

 This was not a difficult case to solve for Hoshi once Yomoda explained a bit more about the room where the murder took place. He's told Hoshi that only the victim knew everything about the room but it seems so didn't the killer. What took place was after the murder the culprit hid in a secret room that no one else, save for the victim, knew about. The room was twenty feet wide if you looked at it from the outside but when you entered the width was only seventeen feet which wasn't noticeable, plenty of room for the murderer to hide. So that solves the mystery of where the killer hid, in the novel will the police be able to figure it out? We didn't see anything of the detective Soda until the final minute of this episode, seems he too has become a tenant at Hoshi's shop as his wife has kicked him out and Soda is planning on camping out there for a few days like Yomoda had.

 That brought us to the end but did mention that sneer on Yomoda's face as he left the shop. That bottom screenshot was a bit humorous as Hoshi hoped Yomoda will feature him in a future series as.... 'Sherlock Hoshies'(!) which made everyone roll their eyes. Wrote these two recaps up on July 1st but they weren't published, not sure when they will be but it should be by the fourth. So the next pair of recaps will be in exactly a week and then the final two hopefully just a few days after that.


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