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Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Tantei☆Hoshikamo" drama: Episode five recap


 Air Dates: April 26th until June 28, 2021 on NTV, Tuesdays at 1:00 am
 Subs were done by Jumping Storm/hsjhoshi at LJ

Main Cast: Very small one really, just the top two characters get much screen time though the third person does to an extent and so don't each episode's clients.

Daiki Arioka as Hoshi(kamo).... His full name is Hoishikamo but is always called Hoshi in this show so will refer to him by that name. Hoshi is a private detective whose office is in a second hand goods store that was left to him when his parents died, he's close to thirty in age. He's quite frightened of women and has rules set up to how close they can get to him. Hoshi doesn't appear to need money that badly and is extremely frustrated that most cases he gets are cheating ones between spouses.

Yuki Katayama as Tsugumi Karato.... Hoshi's new assistant at the store and also for his detective cases. She hired herself for those positions and also had hired Hoshi as an investigator in the first show to track her 'stalker'.

Yoshinori Okada as Detective Soda.... Local detective for the police force and such a bumbler you wonder how he ever got that position. 

Keisuke Horibe as Joe.... Hoshi's sensei/mentor but have only seen him for a minute in the first two shows.

 Links to the previous shows, would read the first recap if you haven't to see what's going on:

 This should be the easiest and shortest drama I'll ever recap but sure I'll find a way to screw it up! But as I said in the last recap haven't done that yet and also in that last post was wavering on whether to keep on recapping this series. Obviously you know what my decision was and for some unknown reason have found myself really enjoying this drama. Have watched so many horror, suspense or action packed shows this year so a change of pace is needed on occasion. Have two recaps for today, then there's four more to go for this series which just ended a few days ago. These are also shorter posts which is nice as I have a feeling I'll be recapping some regular length dramas soon.

 As you can see above Hoshi is getting a bit frustrated with his recent cases, all have been simple and how will be ever become famous like his idols Holmes and Kindaichi? Well there is one potential case which was a murder that took place in the first episode, to date the detective in charge Soda has gotten nowhere. Hoshi has given the man some helpful tips but Soda is a bit too inept so have that feeling by the end of this series Hoshi will end up solving the crime. For the first time there was no talk of the murder case but Soda did make a brief appearance while Hoshi was working on his own private case. Another one that won't etch his name into history but more difficult than his previous ones.

 These shows don't have titles to them though they should, why don't I call this 'The Case of the Stolen Tastes'. Least the uniqueness of the cases(s) intrigued Hoshi and the first client was a man much to Hoshi's relief as he has such a phobia around women. This man Tadakoro owns a Western style restaurant whose specialty is Napolitan. The unique recipe he creates the dish with is only known to him and isn't written down anywhere. The problem is a new cafe near the local train station has opened up and the Napolitan the chef cooks up is identical to Tadorko's. How can this be as no other person knows the special way Tadorko creates it, how could this chef have stolen the recipe? Hoshi does enjoy eating and along with his new assistant Tsugumi try out the Napolitans from the two restaurants, to them the taste is identical. Tsugumi seems to be have the makings of a food critic in this episode, first off she could somehow taste the very unique and slightly hidden ingredients used by Tadoroko.

 Knowing what most ingredients were in the Napolitan was all fine and dandy but how is this going to prove the new cafe stole the recipe from Tadoroko? Tsugumi had visited the place to get the pasta dishes, the owner was about a thirty year old man who Tadoroko didn't know nor did the owner of a local curry shop who was Hoshi's next client. It was a woman named Nishida who has owned her curry shop for many years and like Tadoroko her recipe is a family secret. However this new cafe near the train station also serves curry whose taste is identical to Nishida's, this owner has been able to steal two very secret recipes? Hoshi is really at a loss with both cases but there was one odd clue that sent him on the right path to solving the mystery of the stolen tastes.

 This new cafe had a takeout menu, on it was written 'Yes, It's a pleasure' and that saying isn't too common in Japan. What rang a bell in Hoshi's mind that the saying may be important is that he's heard both Tadoroko and Nishida say the exact phrase when they served him their dishes. Both said they first heard it from their father who loved cooking and because of that they decided to become cafe owners. You can see the two above and when Hoshi asked the pair what the last name of their father was in unison they replied Kouji! The woman Nishida is older than Tadoroko by two years, when she was very young her mother divorced and she ended up with a different last name. The father Kouji then remarried and out of that came the son Tadoroko so the two are actually brother and sister. So their father's 'training' is why their dishes also tasted a bit similar even though they were different kinds of food. The father would still visit Nishida on occasion after the divorce to show her the finer aspects of cooking though she said his main passion was alcohol!

 So bit of happy occasion for the two clients though the main mystery of the stolen tastes needs to be cleared up. Second screenshot above shows the numbers 81-464 from the new cafe's menu and from them Hoshi was able to deduce(how?) that this owner may be related to the 'new' siblings. So the quartet took a stroll to this new eatery where Hoshi confronted the owner about his past. This man's name wasn't mentioned but did admit his father was also named Kouji so presuming that's what his is too. He too learned that 'Yes, It's a pleasure' phrase from his father who is deceased, now all of them have gone from being an only child to having a pair of siblings.

 Besides being a happy occasion learning they all two other siblings the pair decided to open up their own huge restaurant. We did see them briefly attempting to cook a meal for Hoshi and Tsugumi, they were at each other's throats saying how the dishes should be made so wonder what happened when the trio opened their own place? That brings us to the end of this recap, we've now halfway through this series and the below this is the recap for the sixth episode.

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