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Sunday, July 11, 2021

"Tantei☆Hoshikamo" drama: Episode seven recap


 Air Dates: April 26th until June 28, 2021 on NTV, Tuesdays at 1:00 am
 Subs were done by Jumping Storm/hsjhoshi at LJ

Main Cast: Very small one really, just the top two characters get much screen time though the third person does to an extent and so don't each episode's clients.

Daiki Arioka as Hoshi(kamo).... His full name is Hoishikamo but is always called Hoshi in this show so will refer to him by that name. Hoshi is a private detective whose office is in a second hand goods store that was left to him when his parents died, he's close to thirty in age. He's quite frightened of women and has rules set up to how close they can get to him. Hoshi doesn't appear to need money that badly and is extremely frustrated that most cases he gets are cheating ones between spouses.

Yuki Katayama as Tsugumi Karato.... Hoshi's new assistant at the store and also for his detective cases. She hired herself for those positions and also had hired Hoshi as an investigator in the first show to track her 'stalker'.

Yoshinori Okada as Detective Soda.... Local detective for the police force and such a bumbler you wonder how he ever got that position. 

Keisuke Horibe as Joe.... Hoshi's sensei/mentor but have only seen him for a few seconds here and there.

 Links to the previous shows, would read the first recap if you haven't to see what's going on:

 Bit of good news for some which is that I'll be slowing down on my drama viewing, meaning recaps too. The stretch from April 1st until now has been my busiest in years watching dramas, in that 3 1/2 month period have completed thirteen Japanese series, one from Korea and am about to finish this one. Plus there was one that no longer was getting subbed so had to give up on it. For now am going to abort the 'Toki Bando' series which became such a disappointment, watched the first six episodes and could barely make it through that last one.
 So will finish this series up, two more recaps after today and then will take a mini break until the end of the month to clear my head. Though may be watching the 'Gumiho' Korean drama which ends next week but don't think I'll be doing any recaps for. So that break should get my energy level back up for dramas but to be honest there's not a huge army of those fans here but it has grown by many in the last few years, let's finally get to this mini recap.

 Haven't viewed the next episode yet but there is no major ongoing storyline. Save for the murder that took place in the first show and surprised there hasn't been more said of it. The man murdered was a detective who Hoshi had gone to school with. The inept detective Soda is in charge of the case and though we saw so much of him in this episode not a peep was made of the murder. But with only three shows left would think the focus would soon be on the crime and it's always been Hoshi's dream to solve a major crime which is why I think he may turn out to be a hero. Once again no regular case for Hoshi but he did have to help out his detective 'friend' Soda solve a kidnapping.

 Not a regular kidnapping but Soda's small dog Jennifer had been kidnapped two days before. Soda had been walking the dog in a local park when a jogger ran past the detective and to Soda it looked like a suspect from an unsolved case that happened years ago. Zooming forward Soda was correct on his assumption and has had the man checked out at Police HQ. We didn't learn this criminal's name or crime but fairly sure that man will become a part of this unsolved murder, could it be Hoshi's long lost mentor Joe? Back to the kidnapping of the dog and when Soda saw this jogger go by he tied up his pet Jennifer to chase the man though couldn't nab him. But when Soda returned to where Jennifer had been tied up there was no dog there! Plus when Soda told his wife of the disappearance she told her husband not to come home until he's found her precious dog!!!!

 Tsugumi had a nice line above saying 'Was Soda just kicked out from home because of the dog?'. The answer to that was no as it doesn't seem Soda's wife is all that thrilled with having him as a husband. So because he's working on a case Soda has asked Hoshi to rescue his kidnapped dog, Hoshi agreed for Soda will be sleeping at his used goods shop until the dog is found! That was enough incentive for Hoshi and his assistant Tsugumi as they went right to work, first off was posting Jennifer's info at many pet sites with no success. The dog's favorite food is roasted sweet potatoes, in a brain storm Hoshi thought of an idea to get the dog back.

 At the spot where Jennifer disappeared he set up a contraption to lure Jennifer in, below that mini dog house were potatoes but after two hours no dog had appeared. So that was another failure but at least Hoshi is now sure someone took the dog but where to begin the hunt? Tsugumi had an idea of her own which was that perhaps the dog's looks had changed so even if they saw Jennifer they wouldn't recognize her. For instance the dog may have had her hair trimmed so the duo scouted out all the local dog salons, once again a bright idea ended in failure. Now at a seemingly dead end are there no other solutions or clues for the team?

 We still haven't learned much about Hoshi's 'First Star!' maneuver and to his fury Tsugumi used it herself this show! It was about a customer who was at their shop the previous day and purchased some odd items for an older man, a small shirt that a baby may wear plus a bowl that would be perfect for a pet. To Hoshi this man could be the culprit but how to find him, that's when Tsugumi used that 'First Star!' trick and recalled the man paid by credit card. So it was a snap to find his address and the team staked out this man's residence.

 That's the man above who did admit to the 'kidnapping', it was never intentional but he had felt sorry for the tied up dog and brought her home. No harm, No foul as this unnamed man gave Jennifer back to Hoshi which means that Soda can return to his house though it probably won't make his wife happy! In the final ten seconds of the show that was a scene where Soda was showing Hoshi a photo of his detective school mentor Joe, could it have anything to do with that ongoing murder case? That we'll find out in the next recap(hopefully) and that show is the next post.

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