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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Miru Shiroma: On pace to set a new record?


 And what record would that be you're probably pondering? That's of how many consecutive weeks someone has had a post, the gal two posts below this one holds the top two streaks of eight in 2019 and broke that with ten last year. Those are two marks I never thought would be broken and they still may not be as that woman will need to be quite busy for a two month stretch. That's been the case for Miru as this makes it her sixth straight week with a post and there's been seven in nine weeks. Can see having a post next week but then it could be difficult, especially for a J-Pop Idol. But even if that streak stops with this or the next post it's quite an achievement, she'd probably have the record for an Idol.

 And to top off that streak this will be the biggest post of them all as there's 55 new pics for today, wonder if I should hold ten back to make sue there's a post next week? That thought popped into my tiny brain halfway through that sentence so just may hold some back, even 45 or so new pics is a decent amount for a post. Miru's second photobook came out last Wednesday which was July 7th, sales figures won't be released until this Friday. So in that next post will have what the total sold was for week one, bet it'll top the charts but won't get the sales it deserved. The "Love Rush" book sold close to 21,000 copies in it's first week and was close to 35,000 sold in three weeks. But sales are so far down this year for books, hope this new PB comes close to 20,000 and shows some staying power.

 Last year did three preliminary posts for the 'Top Twenty Faves' list but this year will just be doing one which will be in August though not sure when. The last three posts have been for a trio that are currently in my top five, would place Miru as my third biggest fave to date in 2021. Post earlier today was for who number five would be and the post below that one would be for the current #1 who also had that spot in 2020, there was also a post last week for the current number two fave. So being consistently busy during a year is extremely important, even though Miru will be graduating from NMB in less than five weeks she won't be going away. She seems like an intelligent woman to me and knows the worst thing an Idol can do is take a long break after graduating.

 Bit of a long intro and while not X-mas yet can't think of anyone I'd rather have in my stocking! On to the new pics and Miru has been doing so many interviews for her new book and graduation. This set is from 'TheTV.jp' site and here's the link to the longish interview: TheTV site

 Just three new promo pics for the "REBORN" photobook but there's been at least 25 others in her recent posts.

 Two posts ago had a sweltering spread from Flash, these four pics just came out from the photo shoot.

 On July 9th Miru held a solo concert in Osaka, then the next two days joined her NMB mates for a few more shows. Have viewed most of the concert which was good and in that setting most Idols will sing live most of the time which is rare in a group show. Have seen a few other solo ones and wish the gals had a regular band behind them to liven things up and make the songs sound a bit different. Some pics from the show along with the set list and the concert was a little less than 110 minutes.

 Whew, I tell you that red outfit was something! There are some clips from the show on YT but won't have any of them as they often get deleted. But will have a video at the bottom of the post that's from an event that was held for the photobook on July 6th though it was just streamed. Not being able to have live events with fans is one reason book sales have fallen this year.

 So will hold those ten pics back that I mentioned in hopes for another post next week. Will be ending off with this group spread from the August issue of Bubka but mainly just have Miru's hotter than hot pics and following this set is the video of the above streamed event. EDIT: Oooops, the video isn't allowed to be embedded so here's the link to it: Photobook event

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