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Friday, February 3, 2023

Hinako Kitano: Her new 'Vannie U' Spring collection pics plus slightly more....


 Not a large post but if you're a fan then this should be a super duper one for you to enjoy. It had been seven weeks since Hinako's last post and am going to make sure she doesn't fade away. Don't know if it'll be possible but even doing a post every 6-7 weeks is a goal but not an easy one. Have a strong feeling we may never see a current Nogi member make the yearly faves list, in 2022 one did in the 13th position. So it'll have to be up to Hinako and two of her second generation mates to keep the fire burning for Nogi in the future so hope they're up to the task!

 Sadly we'll probably never see pics like these at the top from Hinako again and to an extent it does make me feel a bit sad. These are from her two photobooks, if she ever decided to become a gravure model then she'd be my number one of all time without a doubt!!!! As mentioned in Hinako's last post 2022 was such a special year for her as far as honors go. She finished in the third spot on the yearly faves list, in the second position on the 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list, had my #1 photobook of the year and when she graduated from Nogi was my number one member. So you could almost say Hinako was my top woman of the year but now that the 'aura' of being a Nogi member has worn off can she continue that frantic pace of last year?

 Odds of that pace continuing are slim but as mentioned if she can have a post every 6-7 weeks that'd make me happy enough, last year she had the whopping total of sixteen posts! Hinako is currently in a drama titled "Hitomonchaku nara Yorokonde!" that began on January 15th. Three days ago the first episode was subbed, once three are done will start viewing it and if the series is good enough will also be recapping it. 

 When Hinako left Nogi at the end of April 2022 she opened her own IG page. At first she used to upload a lot of photos but has really slowed down on them, won't have any of them for today and save them for her next post. It being only eleven days until Valentine's have some older pics for the day which are mainly Nogi cards. 

 No new magazine spreads either and have noticed these days gravure models really seem to be dominating the spreads and covers. Some Idols do but unless they want to shed their clothing their spreads have seen such a decrease the last two years. So how about an older set from the February 2019 issue of BLT Graph which I bet most have never seen before. Hinako's first photobook had come out just prior to this spread, even if she didn't have those overly perfect gravure photos she'd still be in my top ten of all time.

 We've quickly hit the end and the main reason for this post was to have these Vannie U Spring collection pics that have come out in the last 2-3 weeks. Hinako began as a model for them last July, in August had a whole post devoted to her Autumn collection pics and then in later posts added the ones in for their Winter clothing. This batch contains 42 pics, to me they're some fine looking photos and think more will be coming out. Hinako has her own YT Vlog and has been doing a good job at uploading videos. After the pics is one from a month ago with a good mate of hers from Nogi's second generation, she herself had a tremendous post a few weeks ago.

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