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Monday, February 6, 2023

Mariya Nagao: All of her missed 2022 magazine spreads plus....


 .... not much else, sigh. Few days ago a viewer commented that they missed seeing posts for Mariya and bet there's hundreds more out there who share the same opinion. Me too but there hasn't been all that much to post about Mariya the last six months. Did a pair of digital photobook posts in July and August plus one post earlier in the year for magazine spreads. Those three posts were the only ones for her last year so can see why she would be missed. Did read an interview with her from late 2021 where Mariya said she had become a bit of a recluse when the virus hit in March 2020 and though a bit busier in the first half of 2022 hasn't done nearly as much as she did during her 2017-20 peak.

 On March 10th Mariya will be hitting the age of 29 so you wonder how much longer she'll continue to do gravure work? She was busy as an actress too up until 2020, saw her in a few dramas and she did an okay job in my eyes. But Mariya hasn't appeared in a drama or movie for almost two years so except for the occasional magazine spread or digital book wonder what she's been doing? Perhaps golfing(!) is one thing as she does love the sport, these are some of her too few IG photos since July and you do see a few pics of her out on the links.

 Do have six Mariya mag spreads from 2022 but they only total 37 pics which is why I may not have posted them in the hopes there would be more things coming down the road. That didn't happen so let's get to the spreads with two mini sets here from Weekly Gendai, first five are from their July 2nd edition while the bottom three are from their August 13th issue.

 Yet again another way too small Mariya spread that's from the September 8th issue of Shukan Jitsuwa, you wonder why are so many of these spreads so small?

 Slightly larger set that's from the November 29th edition of SPA!, to date it's Mariya's spread but think she has an upcoming one for UTB-G.

 Will end off with Mariya's two largest spreads from last year, this first one is from the June issue of BLT Graph.

 Final set for this post is from the April edition of Young Champion Best and it was Mariya's only cover of the year. It's been a few months since her last video so after the pics have a superb one from two years ago with an ex-AKB mate who also has been way too quiet the past year.

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