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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Konoka Matsuda: Her sixth memorable post....


 Don't know if anyone noticed but did just take a two week break from having any posts for Hina and Keya. Has been a slower time for them but still could have done a group post or two and you may see one for Keya by the end of the week as they do have a new single coming out in two weeks. Though all the group posts have been solid did notice a drop off in quality for them and also they were becoming a bit repetitive so for a while may just try to have solo member's post for this month save for a post for Keya's new single.

 Konoka is someone I really, really like and she's in my top ten for current Idols. But she'll never have the six posts needed to be eligible for the yearly faves, it's taken fifteen months just to have this sixth one. So Konoka may be my current #1 woman among those who have never qualified for the yearly list but think I may be able to have another post by the end of this month, highly doubt if she'll have four more for the rest of the year.

 Think Konoka has a fair amount if fans here, if so this post will make your day as there's over eighty pics and the almost all are new for here. Konoka will be the cover girl for the next issue of BLT Graph which is why there should be another post for her by the end of the month, some promo pics for it.

 What hasn't been done for a while are any 'Pairs Posts' for the three '46'groupss.These days there are seldom any magazine spreads with a duo, seems they're either solo or group ones. Bring that up because a year ago did a 'Pairs Post' for Konoka with her best mate from Hina Suzuka who had the last solo post before that mini break from the group. That post from a year ago has been one of the most popular ones ever in that genre but have been unable to do any more them, maybe I should work harder at them.

 Don't think any Hina member posts as many photos at the group blog than Konoka. These are from the past two months and could have has at least twice as many! Some are from the set of "The Time" variety show where she has a weekly segment.

 Few Hina cards from October, first ones are for the group's 'Midnight' single and have some super duper older cards that have never been seen before that'll be in her next post. So the first ten are the October cards while the others are brand new for Hina's "Mysterious Library" web game. 

 More Konoka promo game pics which are for 'Uni's on Air' and I really think these are so superb. There's four pics each from the last four months working backwards from January. New pics for the game will be coming out in a few days, hope it's a Valentine's theme so those pics and others for the holiday will be Konoka's next post.

 Will end off with this fabulous set that was in a December group post though it may not have been seen by many because solo posts get so many more views than the ones for members. Over the years Konoka has had a fair amount of solo covers and she had that honor for the December issue of EX-Taishu. Will skip having a video for once again there's no new decent ones for a member, there are many for Konoka's radio show but it's just the audio of it. Was a bit disappointed that the members didn't have their own individual videos for the 'Midnight' single.

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