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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Keyakizaka46: The second unpetrifying post for... Rei Ozono!


 Was going to say looks like we're on another slow period but actually the one that began the year off has never ended! So the next few days may also have only one post but have the makings of quite a few of them so there should be plenty of new ones for the weekend. Last week had a group post for Keya, they may also have another this weekend plus at least one more this month. In the previous group post done last week said I was working on one for Rei but it hadn't been going so well, not many new things since then but think there's enough for a decent post.

 Rei's first solo post was done last September, it's had a little over 500 views to date. That's a bit low for a '46' member but guess it's a decent amount of views and had wondered if she would be popular here or not. For now will have to say the answer is NO but think you will be seeing two more upcoming posts for Rei in the next few months, will say why shortly. Don't know if she's still attending college but Rei was up until two years ago and was studying psychology, has to be tough juggling studies and an Idol career but many have done it. 

 Like so many J-Pop Idols Rei may look young but will be hitting the age of 23 on April 18th. There's some fabulous news that was announced yesterday that should make her scant few fans here very happy. On her 23rd birthday Rei's first photobook will be released and I was shocked to hear the news. But shocked in a good way as I've always thought she's an attractive woman and have been curious what kind of figure she has. So that book is why you should be seeing at least two more upcoming posts and three advance photos from the photo shoot were released yesterday.

 One of the locations for the photos was Kagoshima which is her hometown. On to some recent pics and don't think any of these have been in Keya group posts. First off are some pics from the group's 'Diary' blog and no member posts fewer solo pics than Rei does! Wonder why that is and this was all she had from the last three months though least she hangs out with the right kind of gals....

 Wanted to include some Rei pics for Valentine's but was unable to find any. You can for first generation members but it's not so easy for the second generation gals. So have some group cards that came out in November and there should be some soon for the new single. That comes out in exactly a week so may hold off on the next group post for eight days to let you know how the sales went on day one.

 Have a mini magazine spread here from the March issue of Entame, have another mini one which I'll hold back for now. Don't think any Keya member has been in as many magazines as Rei has the last year though the total is much lower than the member's spreads from years ago. She will be the cover girl for a mag coming out soon plus will end the post off with another new one.

 Of course always have to have promo pics from the 'Uni's on Air' web game in a Keya post as I think they're so terrific. Have four months here and they go backwards from February to November, four pics for each month and surprised the ones for February weren't for Valentine's.

 Will end off with this spread from the February 1st issue of Weekly Shonen, besides appearing in more magazines than any other Keya member Rei is often the cover girl. Try to end off posts with a decent recent video but there hasn't been any for Rei so will skip having one. That's been an ongoing problem with Keya for over a year now, lack of videos and and they're a good way for the members to get some exposure for themselves and the group so why hasn't there been more of them?!

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