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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Maaya Uchida: Her unbelated fifth intro post....


 Maaya's fourth intro post was certainly belated as I had gone over two years without a post for her and not sure why that was. But that fourth post was done just five weeks ago and with any luck perhaps #6 won't be too far into the future. As fans of Maaya obviously know she is a voice actress and I really enjoy posting about them though doing posts for them isn't the easiest thing to do but have noticed those women are quite popular here.

 You usually don't see many gravure photos in these kinds of posts which to me is a good thing after doing so many posts for gravure models and J-Pop Idols. As mentioned in Maaya's previous post has there been anyone in the world as busy as she has been the last decade? Would have no to say no and when you look at her Japanese Wiki page your jaw may drop!!!! Maaya has probably done a voice in 250 TV animes, at least fifty movies plus has been the voice in so many games. Plus she's an actress who was just in a stage play last month, a singer, radio show host and does many other activities so where does she find the time to sleep????

 Maaya is slowly getting up there in age as she turned 33 back on December 27th but doesn't she look a few years younger? To me she does and a month ago held a birthday concert which was also a belated one for Christmas.

 You'd think someone like Maaya would post a lot of IG pics but that's not the case, probably because she doesn't have the time(!) and these are all since January 1st.

 Maaya's 14th single "Loud Haler" was released on January 25th and 14th is the position it hit in it's first week on the charts. She also has three regular albums plus two mini ones, here's the PV for the song which she has at her YT channel. This is a good tune as it rocks much more than previous singles, she's also starting a mini tour in March.


 Pics here are from a mini interview Maaya did with the Cho-Animedia site two weeks ago to promote the single and another anime she'll be singing the theme song to. She has other features at the site and here's the link to the interview: Cho-Animedia site

 Went so long between Maaya posts there's a few older magazine spreads that were never posted such as this set from the May 2020 issue of Seiyu Animedia which is a voice actress magazine.

 One of the biggest plusses of voice actress posts, besides how kawaii they are(!), is that there's so much variety to them compared to others. Will end off with this new magazine spread and Maaya is the cover girl for the February 23rd issue of Young Jump. It features outtake pics from her fourth photobook that was released yesterday, it's her first book since 2015. Following the pics is a super duper video of the photo shoot and think the magazine published the photobook.


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