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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Their second.... 'A little bit of this and that for 2023' post


 Few days ago noticed a pattern with the three '46' groups, mainly with Hina and Keya. That being it's become so difficult to do posts for them unless there's one of those major fashion shows taking place. There will be a 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show next Saturday so expect a few posts the days after the event takes place, of course one will be for the above woman! Those shows can really help a post out if there's 25+ pics from it, seems as though it's been eons since any group appeared at a regular event which may be true plus there's been a huge decrease in magazine spreads. With Keya's next single coming out in ten days thought they'd be extremely busy which hasn't been the case.

 The title for Keya's upcoming single is "Sakurazuki", it's the group's 14th overall single and fifth since the name change to Sakura. The above member Rena is the center of the song, that was a bit of a surprise but a nice one as I like her immensely and so don't all of you viewers. Of course there's been promoting of it on TV music shows but all in all that's been about it for promotions which is a bit odd. Here are the five covers for the single and also have the link to the PV which is subbed in English, Sony often doesn't allow their videos to be embedded at sites: Sakurazuki video

 That's a good tune but not as hard driving as their previous singles. It really reminds me of one of Nogi's singles from the period of 2015-17, especially the piano. So while there's well over a hundred pics for today not all that many different activities, because of next week's TGC show there will be another group post right after that. Will begin off with the group's monthly message which they post on the first of a month at the Keya site. The first five pics are of the remaining first generation members, there's thirteen from 2G and it'll be a while before I talk about the new 3G members.

 As mentioned so often the last two years what a decease we've seen for magazine spreads. There's just as many spreads these days but unless you're willing to do gravure photos odds are much higher you won't appear in a magazine which wasn't the case in the past. Have one mini spread for today from the March issue of Entame, leading off is Rei with three pages. Also have a new spread for her but trying to do a solo post for Rei, if that doesn't work out will have that spread in the next group post. Also with a three page spread is the duo of Rina I. and Yumiko, she'll be graduating after the fifth single so that should be taking place in April at the latest.

 Rina will also have her own spread coming up soon for the next issue of Brody, these are some outtake pics from the spread.

 Just about every Keya post will have new promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game as I think the pics are so terrific. They've had some recent birthday pics come out for the members, three turned a year older in December and January. Each of the trio have four pics from the game leading off with Marino who hit the age of twenty on December 19th. Also turning twenty was Kira who hit that mark on January 12th, on the 29th the final member Rina hit the age 22.

 Also have some new pics from February for the 'Uni's on Air' game, surprised the theme wasn't for Valentine's. Will begin off again with Rina and perhaps I should have had a solo post for her? Following her is Karin, then Kira who is the member that never smiles(!) and Ten.

 What hasn't happened for a while is a mini recap of Keya's 'Soko' variety show. One reason is because this is only the second group post of the year. The major reason is that the subbing team was behind on the episodes and hated to recap a show from two months ago. So will skip the ones from December and for today have the first show that was subbed for 2023 that aired on January 8th which was episode #114. It's a two part challenge and hopefully part two will be done for the next post. 2023 is the year of the Rabbit and and as you can see all of the members were dressed like those fuzzy creatures! For recaps just give a basic outline on what took place and let the vast amount of screenshots tell the story, they go in order of the action.

 There's two teams and the names are take offs from the Kanji symbol for rabbit. Team Red was named Uu and was captained by Yui, Team Blue's name was U-USG(!) that was led by the new group captain Rina M. They were chosen to be captains for both were born in 1999 which was also a year of the Rabbit, their birthdays are only ten days apart. For the competition the winning team in a challenge will receive ten points, at the end of this first show both teams were tied with ten and both had gotten zero in the second challenge. The first match was quite fun and wish it went on longer, it was a obstacle course challenge. What made it difficult was the fact the members were dressed in a bunny suit, they had paws for hands which made opening a wrapped carrot so difficult! They also had to crawl under some screening, jump on a pogo stick and crawl up some stairs and over some boxes.

 Match one was won by Karin who does appear to be a bit athletic, she edged out Rena. There was one more obstacle course challenge which featured the team's captains. Yui was the favorite but had such a hard time opening a carrot which allowed Rina to come out on top so now each team had ten points. The second challenge wasn't as fun which was called 'Self Timer, Hidden Bunnies'. What the members had to do was hide themselves behind some objects on the stage within ten seconds, after that a camera would take a photo of the stage. If any part of a member's body showed up on the photo they lost, each time had two chances and all were failures! So that means the competition is tied up at ten points going into the next round, there is a prize for the winning team which is that they'll have their own private fortune telling session....

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