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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Akari Suda: Sigh, yet another.... '𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘺 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦'....


 Another one post day but hopefully they will be increasing to two soon. Have been working on a few others and just can't quite finish them but am close so there should be an increase in posts soon. Two mega faves have a photobook coming out and think a post for one of them can be done tomorrow plus have been working on a pair of birthday posts so good things come to those who have patience. But at least the posts for this past week have all been rather large, this one for today has over sixty pics that I don't think have ever been posted here before.

 Akari is not popular here at all these days but she's become my favorite woman to post about and has really zoomed up on my all time faves list. What's really shocking is how many posts she's had this year which is is now fourteen and only one other has more posts for 2023. It used to take 3-4 years for Akari to have fourteen posts and now she's had that many in nine months! But will admit should have worked harder in the past having posts for her though then again it means I wouldn't have been able to do all of these recent ones.

 We need some new gravure pics as there's been none since December, those above pics are an intro to something you'll be seeing later on in the post. Twice in the past mused about doing some sort of 'Honor Roll' list figuring out which women have done the best on all of my lists. It would be done on a point system such as someone would get 40 points for being #1 on the yearly list, 38 for second and so on. That would be the case for other lists such as the one for my all time faves, top yearly/all time photobooks, hottest Idol and a few others. So though Akari may not have nearly as many posts as others she's accumulated some honors over the years. She was second on the yearly faves list in 2018, was seventh last year and as of now would have her fourth for 2023. Plus she was seventh on my all time faves list, had my second top photobook for 2018 and may be my second hottest Idol ever! So that's quite a few honors and am curious on how she would stack up against others.

 As usual this post will be a mix of new and older things, as mentioned don't think any of the ancient pics had been posted before. Will begin off with some old SKE cards from 2010/11, Akari will be turning 32 next month so I can go back further with her things than most other women. Frist six are for SKEs seventh single "Oki Doki" and while not my top single from them it's the song that made me a fan of the group and their 2010-17 singles are tough to top.

 Akari appears on so many variety shows these days and to me think she deserves the chance to host her own show. One show she appears on so often as a semi regular is 'Chihara Junior's Aichi Natural World' that airs on TV Aichi and that is her hometown. There are videos of the show on YT that are worth checking out and I just love the expressions she has on it....

 Over the years Akari became a big time player of Mah-Jongg and even started an SKE league as so many other members loved the game. "Uchihime Obakamiko" is a February 2021 movie which she had the lead role in and was about the game, have searched high and low for the film with zero success. Here's some old time event pics that had never been posted before and in Japan the pros play in M League that began in 2018 and has nine teams. The first season ended in March 2019 with a two day tournament and Akari was there to hand out the awards to the winning team. So the pics below are from that awards ceremony and after that she did a rather lengthy and interesting interview with the M League web site, here's the link to it: M League interview

 There was one mini event that took place yesterday but will hold on to the pics so there can be a second post this month. Most viewers may think Akari has always had long hair and I prefer that style on her. But back in the Spring of 2016 she did cut her tresses and at the time thought her hair was way too short but it's okay if she wanted a change of pace for a while. So because of that have rarely posted any pics from 2016 but do have one mag spread that's superb from the August 2016 issue of UTB. By then her hair had grown back a bit and she does look terrific though not as good with longer hair but there's no denying how sweltering that bottom pic is.... whew....

 As usual will end off with new photos from Akari's IG page and to me they're almost always better than any skimpy magazine spread! Will be tough but will try to do a post for my fave eighty or so pics from this year, tough because she'll end up posting a thousand of them! This set is from August 28th until September 7th, held off on the new ones she posted today. Looked for a video of that M League event but couldn't find any. So after the pics have the trailer for Akari's "Uchihime Obakamiko" movie and will keep searching for it as it looks to be so entertaining. 


  1. A movie about Riichi Mahjong? Count me in!!! My favorite game! 🤗
    (too bad it's most probable it'll never get subbed - Westerners being so oblivious to the intricacies of this game that they even dared turning it into a lousy solitaire bearing no resemblance whatsoever to real mahjong - that's tantamount to throwing chess pieces randomly on top of a chessboard and playing Mikado with them... 👀)

  2. Thanks for reading the post, not enough do that for Akari these days. I'd like to learn more about the game which I see so often in movies, it's okay if the film isn't subbed as I just want to find it somewhere.

    1. If I find the movie, even RAW, I'll let you know 😉
      Meanwhile, a good starting point to know a bit more about the game could be this wiki:
      Note that it is originally a Chinese game which has spread not only to the rest of Asia but all over the world, although it is most popular in East Asia. Every country where it is played has at least one different and peculiar set of rules (sometimes more than just one, as there might be also regional variations). The Japanese version of the game, known also as "Riichi", is probably the most difficult, due to some specific extra rules which make it so. Imho the best definition of it could be "chess on steroids", as it is as complicated as chess, but in mahjong you face three opponents instead of just one, and you can't take more than a few seconds to make your move! 😅🀄👍

  3. Hope you'll have better success than me, it was such an under the radar movie which is why it may be impossible to find. I watch so many older Yakuza films from 1970-2000 and you see that came played so often in them but was confused about the rules.
