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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Their fourteenth spine tinkling post for 2023....


 It's getting so much harder to do posts lately and think the days of having over sixty a month are a thing of the past. For instance had been trying to have a post for Risa the last few days and it just hasn't worked out. That was something which rarely ever happened before as only one person has more posts than her since the beginning of 2018. That post will be done this month but waiting a while before a post can be completed is becoming way too frequent these days. Oh well, least the posts have all been quite good and much larger than usual, its been a while but there's a good chance Rena will finally have another post within the week..... I hope!!!!

 Keya(Sakura) is so much busier as a group this year, the activities don't always translate into pics for posts but nice to finally see the gals busier which has mainly been doing a lot more concerts. The group posts have increased this year and they have become quite large as once again there will be over 130 new pics though wish there was more variety such as modeling pics or mag spreads. Lets begin off with some photos from Keya's group blog which is called 'Diary'. This batch features the other Yui in the group and have to admit I've been noticing her much more as of late. She's never had a solo post but promise she will have one before the year ends and you'll see more of Yui at the end.

 On the first of every month there's a set of 'monthly messages' at the Keya site, these are for September. For the third month in a row Hikari is missing and think back in June she went on hiatus for the second time and since then haven't heard anything about her.

 On Saturday five Keya members appeared at the Autumn 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that was held at the Saitama Super Arena, there will be another show next month. Try to do solo posts for Hono but that hasn't been so easy as of late. She always appears at these shows and at this event took her stroll on the Another Angelus stage.

 As most fans know two weeks ago Mizuho announced her graduation and will be departing at the end of November. She too always makes an appearance at these huge fashion shows and she took her stroll on the Moment+ stage.

 Mizuho is the second oldest Keya member and on July 7th she hit the age of 26. How about more superb pics for her and this batch are for the group's newish web game called 'Saku Koi' that began in July and we probably won't be seeing many more of these pics for her in the future.

 In August the promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game were late in being released. But have all of them now for the month and there were eight members left who you'll be seeing today. This batch has eight members who begin off with Minami who is followed by her first generation mate Rina, both I like quite a bit but it's so difficult to ever talk about them. Other two for this set are Keya's second and third Rina's, still want to know why haven't they had their own song????

 Hopefully the game pics for September don't come out at the end of the month so there can be another group post soon. Final four member's pics are for Hono and right after her is Karin who was the center for Keya's latest single. Rounding out the set is the youngest 2G member Ten and as is the case often Yui will end off the batch.

 Will end off with a mini recap for the group's 'Soko' variety show and wanted to have an episode from August. That wasn't possible as the team subbing the show is only up to episode #141 that aired on July 16th, now I'm caught up with them. It's okay having this semi-old episode as it was part two of a challenge and had the first part in the previous group post. For the first time in almost two years the Keya members had an 'Academic Quiz' to determine the smartest and dumbest of the group! At the end of show #140 the member leading everyone in the overall score was Reina who does attend college. The top six scores were in a mini challenge where the first member to answer two questions correctly would be crowned Keya's 'Intelligence Queen'. In a way it wasn't fair to Reina as she said she isn't good in a buzzer game and that was proven to be correct. So against all odds the second generation member Yui was the first to answer two questions correctly and my money would have been on Rei. The screenshots below go in order of the action and you can see many of the questions that were asked.

 The more interesting section was to determine who the.... dumbest member of Keya is!!!! Like the previous round it featured the least intelligent members in a buzzer game of who could answer a question first. When a member answered two correctly they dropped out of the contest and that was the goal. You would think Mizuho would be a smart woman but she always does poorly at these kinds of challenges but least she didn't finish first(last?). It went down to the final question and the overall Dumb Queen for Keya was the newish third generation member Miu and she was in total shock that she finished last! That segment was entertaining and hope the next episode is subbed soon for the next group post. Keya does have a second YT channel that opened up in May and they've finally been uploading more videos. After the screenshots is a fun video from the group's Malaysia trip that took place three weeks ago when they performed at their Japan Expo. In the video a group of members went out to eat and tried to do that with only a thousand yen a person/team!

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