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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Akari Suda: Well, if no one is tired of her yet....


 ,,,, though it seems way too many are!!!! Say that for it wouldn't shock me of Akari ends up being the least popular woman here for 2023 though how few views a post gets has never never stopped me from posting about anyone. What could be even more shocking is that Akari has an outside chance of having more posts than any other woman this year! This makes fifteen for her and the leader has eighteen but has been stuck at that number for a while.

 Don't know if there will be any more posts for this month but will certainly be working at them, this is her third for September. Next month there should be at least two with the second being around October 31st as that's the date Akari will be hitting the age of 32(!), you know what they say about fine wine! Because of all these posts, which in my eyes have all been fabulous, Akari has been moving up on this year's faves list. Don't think she'll be able to move up to the top spot but as an excellent chance of being third. Last year she was in the seventh position and all the way back in 2018 she ended up second on the list so she has been a long time fave.

 This is one of those 'spur of the moment posts' as I had no intentions of doing this today. But realized there are well over fifty pics that had never been posted before and thought why hold on to them. As usual some are band new while a few are oldies such as these SKE cards from 2018, not running out of them but my supply is dwindling.

 There's two terrific things coming up for Akari, the first will be a pair of fan club get togethers for her 32n birthday. The first will be on October 28th in Nagoya, she hail from nearby Aichi while the second b-day party will be in Tokyo on November 4th. The second bit of new is that on November 1st she'll be releasing her first ever essay book and the second pic is from it. The book will be of Akari talking about being in SKE along with her thoughts on fashion, hairstyles, work, etc. Have no clue whether there will be a lot off photos in the book but am hoping so and we need new gravure ones from her.

 In Akari's last post was discussing how she's been a Mahjong player for many years and even started an SKE league. Have been looking for her 2021 movie titled "Uchihime Obakamiko" which hasn't been a success to date. The Japanese version of the game is called Riichi and thanks to the commenter who filled me in some details about the game. The film was released on February 5, 2021 but there was no official premiere for her. However there was a small event for the film on April 23rd of that year as it had another opening and it was also to promote the movie coming out on DVD.

 Here's some pics from a recent event that took place eight days ago. Akari was at the Nagoya 'Camping and Car Fair' which was her first time ever in a camper.... hmmmm, wouldn't mind being stranded out in the wilderness with her!!!!

 Back in early 2016 Akari cut her hair for the first time in years. To me it seemed she cut it a bit too short so didn't post all of her magazine spreads from back then. But upon viewing them again she actually does look rather super duper 😍 but do prefer her longer tresses, here's an oldie spread from the July 2016 issue of BLT which I'm sure hadn't been posted before. 

 As is the norm will be ending off with Akari's overly superb new IG pics, these go from September 4th until the 15th. That first set deserve to be in her 'IG Hall of Fame' while a few others are from a two day trip she took to Hokkaido. Two others were from that camping fair mentioned earlier while four are from when she was an ambassador at the 2023 Jam Expo held in Yokohama. Couldn't find any videos of her playing Mahjong but Akari seems to love playing board games, after the pics is a video from 2020 where she shows us her skills at playing Othello.

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