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Friday, September 22, 2023

Rei Ozono: Her sixth intoxicating post!


 In the post below this which was done yesterday talked about how I did that one because the post for a Keya member bombed! Sometimes(often) wonder where my tiny mind drifts off to as I dropped the ball badly with that post but things have worked out better then well! The post was going to be for Rei and had thought her last one was a while ago, perhaps June. So had sixty pics which I thought would be all new but then found out her last post was in August and it had 35 of those pics! But when I want to do a post for someone nothing will stop me and immediately went to work on this which could end up being better than that other planned post.

  For all of the Keya posts that have been done this year only one member has qualified for the yearly faves list, being eligible is easy as just six posts are needed for the year. The title does say six posts but that's her overall total and this makes five for 2023. So will make sure Rei does qualify and though she'd end up with many less posts than most others she just could squeeze into the top ten as that's how much I like her. No '46' member save for perhaps a fourth generation Nogi gal has moved up on my fave '46' members list as much as Rei this year and it seems like a lot of viewers like her too as her posts are popular. There's been a lack of Keya group posts lately but will try to have one for next week. Their next single is coming out on October 18th so there should be some new things on the horizon. But lately there's been so few magazine spreads plus once again the monthly 'Uni's on Air' game pics have been late in coming out. But should be able to do something soon and there will be seven members attending the September 30th Autumn 'Girls Award' show.

 It is kind of funny which pics really catch my eyes! That top one right above is one of my favorites of the year and can't explain why I love it so much. That and a few others above are from Rei's first photobook that came out in April. Keya books don't sell well these days, think total sales were only a little above 40,000 copies sold and it deserved to sell twice as many. Will be posting that book eventually and first off for this post are some pics from Keya's 'Diary' group blog, she still doesn't have an IG page yet.

 Of course all Keya fans know which member has qualified for this years faves list and can she be my number one woman two years in a row?! Would love to do another 'Pairs Post' as those are fun doing and seem viewers enjoy them too. But the last two years they've been so difficult to do as it seems the members don't appear together as they once did, especially in magazines. 

 The pair were in the "Actress" drama that aired earlier this year and did recap all eight episodes. Who really impressed me in the series was Rei who played he character of Tomomi and was a private detective. She looked so darn good to me and may have been the highlight of the drama, that's her only series to date and would really like to see her do more acting.

 Hmmmm, don't think in that bottom screenshot she's talking about her date with Nao!!!! Here's a set of older Keya cards that had never been posted and could be considered historical. They were the final ones when the group was still known as Keya and a few months after these cards from the Spring/Summer of 2020 came out they changed their name to Sakura.

 Ever since the name change the group hasn't had a consistent card series, mainly special ones for singles or concerts. But two months ago they had a new group simulated dating game that began which is called 'Saku Koi', Hina and Nogi both have games with that title too. In Rei's last post had these pics for the game.

 Last week five more promo pics for the game were released which are these. On October 3rd Rei will begin hosting her first radio show which will be called "Sa".... short for Sakura?

 When Rei first joined Keya back in the Autumn of 2018 she was attending university studying psychology. She did keep her studies up for a while but no word on whether she completed her degree and have noticed on the group's 'Soko' show she is quite intelligent. Speaking of that variety show, which I think is the best of all three '46' groups, the last eight episodes haven't been subbed so that's also a reason for the recent lack of group posts. Seeing as how I flubbed up her post for yesterday tried to have some special older things such as those 2020 cards. Here's another historical set of pics which was Rei's first ever solo magazine spread that was from the June 2020 issue of BLT Graph.

 In case you're curious she hit the age of 23 back on April 18th, that's also when her photobook was released. Final set of pics is this brand new spread from the October 4th issue of Weekly Shonen. After doing so many Keya posts I think Rei has been the cover girl more than any other member the past 2 1/2 years and wish this spread was a bit larger. Back in May Keya opened a second YT channel that features member videos but her only solo one came out three months ago and was in her last post. Rei does have a weekly segment on the "Love It" variety show and with another Keya member in August made a trip to Cairns, Australia for a special segment. A video of their journey is after the pics and it is subbed in English, she also went to France and Malaysia this year so she's becoming a world traveler. 

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