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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Yuki Yomichi: Her second most blazing post ever!


 Bit of an odd title and said that for it'll be impossible to top her first ever post done last October. That featured my fave digital book of all time and perhaps my #1 book in any genre! So can't call Yuki a newbie for 2023 but she could be my top new woman since last October and to call her sweltering would be the understatement of the decade! Yuki had her second regular photobook just come out and most of this post will be devoted to it.

This is Yuki's seventh overall post in eleven months, it's also her fifth for 2023. So one more and she'll qualify for the yearly faves list and there may be close to thirty with six posts which I didn't think would happen. Not as many posts as others would hurt Yuki but she would still have decent position. I like women who do a variety of things, she's a voice actress, regular actress, gravure model, singer and is a huge motorcycle enthusiast. So will make sure that one more post is done and hopefully can do more than that.

 Yuki will be hitting the age of 24 on November 21st, a few days after that is when the fave's list will begin it's countdown. This is a decent sized post with about 55 new pics but am holding back some from a pair of events. Let's begin off with some recent photos from her IG page, not as many riding a motorcycle around as she usually has.

 There wasn't too much promoting for the book as the only spread was this mini one from the September 8th issue of Friday that was in her last post.

 Did say I was holding back pics from two recent events. Yuki was at a third one on September 17th to promote her photobook at the HMV bookstore in Tokyo.

 While there weren't many magazine spreads to promote the book Yuki has done a fair amount of interviews. Title of her second book is "Koishiki" and these superb pics are from the NB Press site. Yuki of course talked about the book and also her voice acting career plus a few other things, here's the link to the site: NB Press interview

 Will end off with twenty promo and outtake pics from the photobook which was released on the 15th, Yuki may have my #1 book two years in a row! Top two are the covers and all the pics get a grade of A++++ from me but that third photo could be my favorite, WOW! The photo shoot took place in Kagoshima and the event for this book was sold out. Highly recommend checking out the short video that's after the pics. It's from the book's photo shoot and it's the first ever gravure video for Yuki that she uploaded to her YT channel and does she look ultra alluring!!!!

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