Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Miyuki Watanabe: Her extraordinary.... 'Happy 30th Birthday!' post.... the top post of the year?
This post took so much work and time so think it may be the only one for the day but it's so large it could be considered to be two posts! That is the norm for Miyuki, this may only be her 44th post but they're usually so much massive than others so she may have more photos than those with sixty posts! And as far as the title goes while there may be some photobook posts that are better this could be the top regular post of the year and if you're one of her few remaining fans here it just may be the best post for 2023! At one time Miyuki's posts did draw a huge amount of views but that hasn't been the case for two years, bet the lack of new gravure pics has something to do with that.
On this date last year was wrapping up my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. Miyuki finished in the third position which I'm sure shocked a few people but if you're a long time visitor then that shouldn't have been surprising. If Miyuki had about twenty more posts she would have been my #1 woman and in a way she is. If I was ever stranded on a desert island you know who my number one pick would be to join me would be and in all honesty have run out of superlatives for her.
Miyuki has never qualified for the yearly faves list but that didn't affect her position too much on the all time list. Six posts in a year are needed and this is her fifth for 2023 so there is no way she won't hit six posts for the year and hopefully can squeeze an extra one or two in. Not that thirty is old but that's an age you never think of someone like Miyuki hitting. As terrific as she looked up until the age of 25 in my eyes she's looked better than ever the past five years. Speaking of hitting the age of thirty that is becoming very common for my massive faves. Five Nogi members who I post(ed) about often have hit that age along with two from SKE, another from NMB along with a few other J-Pop Idols. Also many of my fave actresses are well into their thirties and seems when most hit that age their activities slow down save for a select few.
Since about 2016 Miyuki has been my sexiest/alluring/hottest woman of all time but in July did say that someone had passed her. Which is in a way correct but not totally, that someone else is actually my current hottest woman. But Miyuki still retains that all time title and may forever, while others may be a bit more bodacious than her no one has ever made my blood boil like she has.... or made my cold water bill sky high! Enough of this long intro and let's finally get to the meat of massive post.
So while those above hotter than hot photos have been in previous posts everything else today will be new for here. Some will be brand new and some others will be older things which will be new for here, all in all they will add up to be around 85 pics. Am holding some things back to just to make sure Miyuki hits six posts for the year. First off are these recent pics from her IG page and she doesn't post enough of them but how about that bottom pic, WOW! After the pics is a video that has been posted before but it deserves an encore viewing! Miyuki has her own YT channel and her last gravure video to date which is there was in December 2021 for the Bijin Hyakka magazine. She looks so amazing so it's one fans need to view and what's noticeable is that all of the staff at the photo shoot are women.
No new birthday pics yet and will save those for her next post, perhaps one for Halloween may work out best and there's really no reason for that thought. But do have some Miyuki birthday pics from years ago, one goes all the way back to 2014.
For many graduated Idols have been posting their older group cards for I had seldom done that in the past. But haven't been doing that for Miyuki so do have some cards from the Summer of 2016 and she graduated from NMB in August. She's almost always had long hair but not back then as Miyuki had cut it much shorter for her second photobook.
Am probably missing a few but for the most part think I have all of Miyuki's magazine spreads from 2014 up until now. However there are many prior to that which have never been posted before and will have a pair of them for today. This first set could be Miyuki's oldest one ever or at least a spread that had gravure pics which is from the March 2012 issue of Entame... that's over 11 1/2 years ago!
One more set from 2012 that's from the May 31st issue of Flash, she looked fine back then though not nearly as sweltering as she looms these days! Right around 2012 is when I first started to notice Miyuki and NMB, all the first generation members are now gone.
While with NMB Miyuki had two photobooks, one in 2012 and the other was a graduation book in July 2016. Both were of course out of this world but three years later her third book "This is Miyuki" was released and that is one which is tough to top. When I did a ranking of my all time photobooks it finished in the eighth spot and in all honesty it should have been higher. Today, which is her 30th birthday, book number four was released that has the title of "Dappi", that word can mean Shedding in Japanese. The photo shoot took place in Cairns, Australia and this small batch are promo/outtake pics from the book. There aren't too many so can't say how the book will compare to her third one which will be difficult to top though how about how Miyuki looks in those bottom two pics..... wow!!!!
There didn't seem to be a lot of promoting for this new book as I just found one mini interview. There was only one small mag spread for it which is from the September 12th issue of Flash which is Miyuki's first semi gravure spread since March 2022.
That third photobook sold well, think the total was over 12,000 copies sold in it's first two weeks which is an impressive number for a graduated Idol. We've hit the end and yesterday Miyuki held an event for the book at the Tsutaya store in Shibuya, didn't she look ultra amazing at it?!?! To me she did and have plenty of terrific pics from the event below. Began writing this up last night and at the time there was no video for it and there still is none from the event today. That's okay as I'm sure there will eventually be one and will have that in her next post. After the pics is an oldie gravure video from Young Magazine that's eight years old and could be my top Miyuki video, she never did have many of them from her photo shoots.
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