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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Marupi: A little bit of this and that....


 Another kind of 'quickie post' but like the others will be terrific though wish there were more new pics. It's hard to explain at times but know viewers understand what I mean. Which is how I was instantly attracted to Marupi 😍 the second I saw her which was sixteen months ago and she's my number one newbie for 2023. Know there are taller and more voluptuous women but to me Marupi outshines almost al of them and how I like her! But did miss her as she had gone over five months without a post but she had been nonstop busy for six years so we can cut her a break.

 A lot of Marupi being busy was of her attending college and she did graduate in 2022. For almost a year after she worked in an office and think it was just by chance that she entered the entertainment field but you can read all that info in her earlier posts. Just did a one for Marupi three weeks ago but in the meantime two mag spreads have come out and no sense letting them collect dust. Plus do have some fabulous new pics from her IG page below, the top three are from a Manga Action photo shoot and Marupi will be a cover girl for an upcoming issue so hope to have a July post for her also.

 There isn't anything else new besides the above photos and the two mag spreads. So as a bonus let's have an encore viewing of this spread that's from the August 2022 issue of Entame, it's somewhat historical as it was Marupi's first ever spread. At the time Marupi was still working in an office, few months after this she did quit to focus on her gravure career but she does appear on many variety shows and also made a few guest spots in dramas.

 In that last Marupi post had a large spread for the May 28th issue of Flash and she was their cover girl. This mini set is from their June 18th edition and it seems to be a continuation of the first spread, think she just had a new digital book for the magazine.

 Will end off with this beyond super duper spread that's from the July 1st issue of Young Magazine. For at least the fifth time Marupi is their cover girl and some of the pics are from the photo shoot. After the spread is such a tremendous video of the photo shoot, I have viewed all of Marupi's gravure videos too many times to count and she gets my blood boiling more than almost any other woman I post about.... 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Iori Sagara: A trio of blazing new magazine spreads though....


 .... not too much else but the spreads to add to be 32 new photos. This will be another one post day but am working on a few others and sure some will be completed this week. It still is a bit of a slowish period and as mentioned before maybe it will always be this way but least there's been at least one post a day and couldn't say that a few weeks ago. So though this is just a medium sized post will have another for Iori within the week. Her first regular photobook comes out in three days so I'm expecting an event for it, do have one huge mag spread that was just released so am holding on to that for her next post. So could have waited a few more days before doing this and it would have been a massive post but figured Iori's fan would rather have two medium sized ones.

 Iori does have a huge amount of fans here but the views for her posts have been decreasing over the last few months, perhaps she had too many posts? That could be the reason and this now makes it nineteen posts for her in seven months, there's five more months to go in the 'Nao Year'. So no one is going to catch Iori for most posts for this year, she averages 2.7 a month which is a pace of 32 for the year. That would break the old record of 26 which has been done twice and unless something extraordinary takes place she should set a new record for posts by the end of September.

 Iori does much more than gravure modeling, she does appear in many stage plays and her next will open on July 15th. She just may post the best and most IG photos of any woman I post about these days and below are what she's added to her page over the last two weeks. In that first pic Iori sad she had a bit of free time and compiled all of the magazine covers she's had over he last eight months, she has three more upcoming covers.

 On to the trio of newish mag spreads, did just say Iori's the cover girl for so many of them so it's kind of funny she doesn't have that honor for any of the ones for today. First up is the smallest set that's from the June 18th issue of Flash.

 Second up is this set from the June 10th edition of WPB. The magazine is publishing Iori's first regular PB that comes out on June 27th and this spread does feature some outtake pics from it.

 Last up is by far the biggest of today's trio and is from the June 7th issue of Friday. It's not promoting Iori's upcoming photobook but a digital one for the magazine and there's been a slowdown on those lately for most women I post about. The WPB magazine has been uploading many long videos from the book's photo shoot, have Iori's latest one after the pics and I wouldn't mind seeing a few other Nogi grads from the first two generation have some gravure videos too....