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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mai Shinuchi: Still keeping the Nogi flag burning.... the umpteenth version....


 That bottom pic is new for here and it should be a crime that a woman has such perfect legs(!), haven't I been saying for years how she may have the best gams of anyone in history?!!!! Yesterday did say that this slow stretch has continued and wouldn't doubt if that's the new norm. Do miss posting about some of my long time faves and it does make sense that as the years go on there's less of them to post about. Luckily that hasn't happened with Mai and she's had far more posts than she ever has the last three years, sometimes it does help when you graduate from your group. Especially from Nogi as they had grown so huge, think when she graduated 28 months ago there had to be close to fifty members which is way too many. Now Nogi is down to 35 but that's still too large and so many members tend to get lost in the shuffle.

 Gulp, did say her legs were the best ever though the rest of her looks pretty darn perfect too! Mai has been busy this year but many of her activities aren't ones you can post about so this is just her second one in four months though the other was done less than a month ago. But even with less posts I adore Mai more than ever, I have always liked her immensely but not at the level she's currently at. She will make the faves list for the fifth consecutive time this year and not many other woman can say that. It wouldn't be easy for her but if she could increase her activities a bit over he next two years and have things such as more modeling pics and magazine spreads plus a third photobook it wouldn't be a stretch to say she would be in the running to be my #1 when I do the next 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list in about 26 months. Odds are high the things listed wouldn't happen but one can dream, speaking of who has been appearing in too many of my dreams lately....

 Not a lot of current things for today but so have quite a few older things which have never been posted here before. For some women it doesn't matter whether they have a huge amount of new things or not as I just enjoy doing posts for them so much and near the top of that small yet elite list is Mai!!!! These days my theme for posting older group cards for Idols is to have them for the current month and of course that means this terrific batch are older ones for June. They go from 2021 back to 2018, all are fabulous but the 2020 sets are my faves.

 Mai is a so-so poster of IG pics, they're always so superb but some months she has so few of them. That's the case for today as in a way you could say there's none as most are from her SDGs radio show and in all honesty she could be the top Idol host of all time, that also goes for her TV variety shows. The top two pics are for the upcoming stage play "Atami Murder Case", the book it's based on is celebrating it's 60th anniversary. Mai has had the lead female role in three prior adaptions of the play, there are many different stories in the book. She'll be making her fourth appearance in the play to celebrate it's anniversary and that new play will open on July 5th. There should be an event for it so will do a post right around that date and have more info about it.

 Have always wanted to see Mai do more acting and she was in a recent mini web drama that aired on TVer. The show was called "Agasa" which is a long running mystery show on the channel and there's also a current stage play. The cast and stories to the drama constantly change, about every four shows and the mini series she was in aired from April 4th until the 25th. In Mai's last post did have a small recap for the first two episodes and they only last for nine minutes. The cast uses their real names and there's quite a twist to the show which is very challenging. The cast doesn't get the script until the filming starts so there's no rehearsal and the script just tells the cast what the story is as they have to adlib everything and there are no second takes.

 So that is quite challenging and here's a very brief summary of what the story was about. The show wasn't subbed, it was easy enough to follow but subs would have helped. Six friends were meeting for the weekend at a mountain villa, that trip was anything but a fun time as on day one a man from the group was stabbed to death. On the second day a woman named Anna had been poisoned and now the group was down to four. With the help of a mysterious detective(?) the main storyline was to figure out who among the four friends was the killer, it turned out to be the man in the screenshots wearing glasses and that slightly reddish sweater. This very mini series was a nice time killer though wish it was longer and hope she does start appearing in more show in the future. This case was interesting and the screenshots are for the final two episodes, there was also a wrap-up show and may have that in her next post.

 Though there are a lot of older pics for today almost all are new for here. Such as this very small batch from the With magazine site that came out in the Autumn of 2018. The last pic has been posted before but not the other five breathtaking(to me) ones, at one time the site had four Nogi members as models for an OL campaign but that ended the following year. Mai looks so fabulous but also very classy so wonder why sites don't have her modeling OL clothing or something similar these days?

 Here's something I never thought would happen and it's an oldie magazine spread that had never been posted! Thought I had all of them but that wasn't the case which is a good thing, wonder if there are any more? This smallish yet ultra scintillating set is from the November 30, 2016 issue of WPB, those bottom two pics of Mai get my blood boiling.... she does that often to me!

 Hope you didn't think these older yet new pics have come to an end, have one more terrific batch. Back in November 2017 Mai released her first photobook, her second was a grad book that came out in January 2022. This book's title was "Doko ni Iruno" and the photo shoot took place in Bangkok. Have plenty of pics from the photo shoot that hadn't been posted before, this book was solid but thought Mai's second was just so much better.

 Why not end off with some pics from the book and link to it? That's a wise decision and this book is by far Mai's most popular post here as it has over 6,200 views and am pleasantly surprised at that.... an even bigger pleasant surprise to me if it was announced she would have a gravure digital book coming out!!!! Will skip having a video as there are no recent ones. Did say this book was solid though it could have had a few more gravure pics but then again to me Mai looks perfect 😍 no matter how she's (un)dressed, here's the link to the book: "Doko ni Iruno" photobook scans

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