Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Saturday, June 22, 2024
Risa Watanabe: is here to save the day....
Would prefer not to have a title such as the above one but she did save the day as I don't think another post would have been possible. No woman has had more posts than Risa over the last six years but sadly she could be number one in another category. That's of her popularity dropping, at one time(2019) her posts received more views than anyone else but that's far from the case these days. As a matter of fact there aren't many who are less popular than she is and I am a bit frustrated there's nothing that can be done about it. Of course I am biased saying all of her pots are fabulous as Risa is my #1 woman of all time and has been for over three years. But do have to admit her posts from the last six months haven't been as good as her prior ones, it would help if there was finally a deluge of new pics but for now can't see that happening in the near future but truly hope I'm wrong.
This does make it eight consecutive months that she's had a post but wish there were more new things in them. Was just thinking the last six months have been the slowest for Risa since 2015 or just before she joined Keya. Since the "Black Familia" drama ended in earl December she's done hardly anything, she has appeared at a few of those larger fashion shows and has had some new modeling pics for Non-no but that's been it, nothing else!!!! I'm not bummed out as Risa has been busier than most women I post about over the last seven years but so many of my massive faves have cut back on their activities at seemingly the same time so can only play a waiting game hoping most will be returning to their former glory.
Should have her next post on July 27th as on that day Risa will be hitting the age of 26 though to me these days could pass herself off being a few years older. Not a huge amount of recent pics for today but do have plenty of older things and bet many of those photos had never been posted here before. While with Keya she was their worst blogger as far as having posts and photos go. Not much has changed since graduating and this is it for her IG pics over the last six weeks.
It being Summer have some terrific older Keya cards for the Season and know that some are new for here. Terrific is an apt description as these cards certainly are and four years ago they ceased having seasonal cards which is such a shame, same goes for Hina also.
Risa has been just as busy with the Non-no magazine as she always has some stupendous new modeling pics, these are from the last six weeks. It's been seven months though since she's appeared in any other magazine and it does baffle me why so many of my faves have become semi-AWOL.
No new mag spreads but do have a air of older ones and am about 99.2% confident this first one had never been posted. It's from the December 2016 issue of EX-Taishu and think it's Risa's second ever solo spread, perhaps I did post this seven years ago but it's been so long have forgotten about it.
Let me hold on to Risa's other older mag spreads as I may need something for her birthday post, here's her latest spread for Non-no that's from their June edition.
Have no clue why but there's been such a decrease in events this year. Especially for Keya who have been at only one since last September and they used to appear at many of the. Often for AEON as the company used to have a Keya credit card, sure they still do but there hasn't been as much promoting of it. For this batch let's go back almost exactly five years to July 2, 2019 and an event to promote a new AEON card. Try not to live too much in the past but it's nice to see some members that you may have forgotten about all looked so super duper at this event.
Will end off with some ultra perfect photos so you can see why to me 😍😍 Risa 😍😍 is the most attractive woman ever but that's not the only reason she's my #1 all time woman. There being no new Risa videos isn't a surprise so after the pics do have an older one from AEON that came out in 2020. Will confess to watching this at least fifty times as it features another beyond ultra fave member. It's sort of a mini movie and the biggest plus to it is that it's subbed in English, that video is after the pics.
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