Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Miyuki Watanabe: Sigh, is it possible to ever get tired of these posts?(no!)....
Of course you all know what my answer to that question would be!!!! Though June has started out strong it still is a slowish period and perhaps that's become the norm for I do post about so many fewer women than I did five years ago. At times a slow stretch isn't a negative as it gives me time to work on some harder posts such as this one but ones that I love doing more than your easier ones such as photobooks though those posts are often tough to top.
Think these top six pics are new for here, there still are many older things that have never been posted and have some for today. This makes it seven consecutive months with a Miyuki post, she's never come close to doing that before. What she also has never done is make the yearly faves list but she will for 2024, a busy second half could mean a top five position for her! Though Miyuki has never made the yearly post she did finish in the third spot on my 2022 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list, may sound strange but she was closer to the first place woman than the one who was second! Since then Miyuki has moved up to second and if she could increase her activities by just a little bit she would be the only woman who could take the crown away from my #1 Queen! Will do another top twenty all time list in 2026, about 26 months from now and I would love to see a battle for the top spot.... in an odd twist both have the same last name.
Hard to top her pics from a decade ago but these days don't think any woman can beat out Miyuki 😍 and how many years as it been with me saying she's my all time most alluring/hottest/sexiest woman ever?! It hasn't been a busy stretch as of late but do have over twenty newish pics plus many older ones that had never been posted, all in all yet another terrific post for her. First off is an April interview with the Peche site which I just discovered the other day. The pics below are from the interview and what I found very interesting was when Miyuki was talking about what she did after leaving NMB in August 2016. She had a clause in her contract that forbid her from doing any music or modeling for twenty months, she discussed that and other things in the interview and here's the link: Peche site:
It being June its time for older cards for the month, here are her 2015/14 ones for NMB. Her popularity here has certainly risen over the last four or so months, her last three posts have all made that section for 'Most viewed posts for the last thirty days'.
Don't know if I'm right but have noticed that Miyuki tends to be much busier from August until the end of November. Should go back and check on that, do know that she will be at the August 1st Kansai Collection Autumn show that will be in her hometown of Osaka. Top pic is for this year, the others are from the 2021 Autumn show and they just may be her top event pics ever.... WOWOWOWOW!
There's been so few recent pics from her IG page so will skip having any for today. New ones that is as this batch below are from 2019 and these ultra superb photos had never been posted before and there's many more of these too. Hard to pick out my fave as all are stupendous, may go with the final pic but can't go wrong with any of them....
Miyuki seems to do more regular modeling work than ever as of late. However my minor beef is that she doesn't stick with one site long enough, seems she has a batch of new seasonal pics and then zero after that. Here's her latest batch of fabulous modeling pics which are for the Royal Party Summer collection, hopefully she'll have a few more of these coming out....
Have been having ancient Miyuki magazine spreads in these posts that had been missed, almost all have been for ones before 2016. Will be ending off with one that's from the February 2015 issue of Young Champion Monthly, this is not the actual spread but some bonus pics that were at the site and all are so perfect why weren't they part of the spread? That last sentence just got me thinking, why has she never had a digital book(?) though she's had four regular photobooks.
Final set is that Young Champion Monthly spread and Miyuki was their cover girl. Did post this spread once before but had left out a few of the pages plus these are higher quality pics than the previous ones. There is a video of the photo shoot on YT but it's one you have to sign in for so will skip it though it is one of my top gravure videos ever!!!! Miyuki has her own YT Vlog, after the pics is a video uploaded on May 17th and if you're into cosmetics and such you will enjoy it....
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