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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rena Moriya: Hopefully still has a few fans here....


 I would say that answer to that would be Yes and you may not think it but she could be the second most popular member here from Keya or Hina though this is her first post since last July! I will take some of that blame as this post could have been done two months ago though doing solo posts for Keya members is close to impossible these days. Many fans thought 2023 was such a busy year for Keya(Sakura) and in a way it was as they did have one more single than usual and did perform at more concerts than they ever had. So musically they were busier but doing other activities is where such a huge decrease happened. There's only been one photobook the last fourteen months plus no member has appeared at one of those huge fashion shows since last September, in the past at least five gals would always be there.

 Don't have the stats but I would say their magazine spreads have decreased at least 80% since 2021 but do have a super duper one for today. Plus there's less modeling pics compared to prior years so to me the group overall has been less busy over the last 12-18 months. It is a shame as I do like them quite a bit though not as much as I once did for most of my fave members have left plus because so many of my huge faves from all groups have graduated have soured a bit over the last year or two with the current J-Pop scene. But do promise to work on another solo post but as mentioned that could be close to impossible so if that's the case will work in at least one group post and will talk about that a bit more further down.

 Will confess that I like Rena immensely and did hate not being able to do posts for her. In 2022 she did finish in the eighth position on the yearly faves list but the posts have really dwindled for her since then. But was just looking at her older posts and all have received such a huge amount of views which is why I think she could be the second most popular Keya or Hina member here so know her huge amount of fans have missed these posts. There hasn't bene a lot of activities for Rena this year and of course no new pics like these at the top but do have over eighty new photos for today and really hope these posts can start coming at a more frequent level again.

 June 26th is when Keya's ninth single since the name change to Sakura will be released. So will work on a post or two for the group, seeing as how there hasn't been one for eons there should be plenty of stuff from the past six months that have been missed. There will be a new BLT spread coming out and it will just feature the second generation members, only three from 1G are remaining.

 Did try to have a post for Rena back in January for her 24th birthday but there just weren't all that many new things for a post so sadly have to admit I forgot about her to an extent. In that post would have had these Keya cards that had come out in November and December. Those are the first dozen, the other cards came out in January and February but no new ones since then.

 Also have some terrific promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. However they've been releasing these so sporadically the last six months, sometimes zero for a month and that's been the case for two straight months now. That's a shame as the pics are always so fabulous and this has been a problem with Hina too recently. But do have this batch which had never been posted before and there's four pics to a month. The begin off with April, then there were zero for March, then four for February. January had eight as there's an extra four for when a member has a birthday which Rena did on January 2nd and the batch ends with December.

 At the beginning of each month at the Keya site each member has a new pic for their Monthly Message series, this goes from June until January. Have moaned often about how it's becoming so much harder to have posts there days so why haven't I been doing group ones for Keya? Can't think of many if any good reasons so will try to have at least two by the end of the month.

 Rena is a model for two magazines but am holding those pics back for either another solo post or if not will have them in one of those group posts. These days Rena posts the best photos of any member at the Keya 'Diary' blog or at her IG page though wish she had more of them. These are some from the last four months but there could have been many more, sadly the bottom ones are the last we'll be seeing of the duo together and I always thought they had become very good friends.

 Of course that's Yui in the bottom three pics and once again will sob.... What has ever happened to her???? Many Idols take a break after they graduate but usually tell their fans that, we haven't heard one word about her since February 2nd which was the day after her grad concert. Won't speculate on what has been going on though of course retirement could be one reason for her quietness but why would she? Yui isn't my #1 woman of all time but then again wonder if she just may be as I have never missed someone as badly as I've been missing her.... 😢

 Will end off with a stupendous and massive mag spread that's from volume 25 of Platinum Flash which came out on February 28th. As you can see Rena was the cover girl and she's had that honor often though think this was her first solo spread in seven months. Keya has their own YT channel for the members to upload their own videos but she hasn't had a new one in seven months! That was of Rena taking a trip to a golf driving range with a colleague and it is a fun video which is after the pics, as a bonus it's also subbed in English.


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