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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Koe Girl drama: Episode eight recap

 Air Dates: April 8th to June 10, 2018 on TV-Asahi for ten episodes, aired at 2:30 am Saturdays
The video at the top is the theme song which was song by the two Haruka's

The main cast....

Haruka Fukuhara as Makoto Kikuchi.... Parents run a green grocery where she was scouted by Oshima and has struggled greatly at the beginning to be a voice actress(Seiyu).

Yurika Nakamura as Asami Kuriyama.... The best of the five females who are trying to become voice actresses, disliked Makoto at first for her lack of dedication.

 Mariya Nagao as Ren Ineba.... Massive Otaku fan, especially for the 'Precure' series. Was written out of the series as she quit being a voice actress in episode seven.

 Jun Amaki as Konatsu Morimoto.... From Kansai and too often speaks in that dialect.

 Aoi Yoshikura as Ryoko Ochiai.... Former child actress making a comeback as a voice actress.

 The others, it's a very small cast so far and will add to the list if needed.

Haruka Tomatsu as herself.... Ex-voice actress who now hosts a popular radio show.
Shingo Tsurumi as Yuichiro Oshima... Head of Ihara Productions where the girls work.
Masaki Nakao as Katsutoshi Shoda.... Oshima's assistant.

 On to the second batch of five recaps, would help reading the first but it's not essential that you do. For the most part all of the episodes are stand alone ones so there's no cliffhangers that ends a show and begins the next one until the ninth episode. Have viewed up to that ninth episode, will do the recaps for shows six through nine before I watch the final episode and like the first batch there will be five recaps in a row so let's get to the third of five.

 Though Asami has had the second largest role to date she never's had an episode devoted to her, this one is and much of the next show too. Asami is the most talented of the five girls who are striving to be a star at voice acting, actually need to say four now as Ren quit at the end of episode seven. Asami is one busy young woman as she doesn't have the time to do all of the roles offered to her plus she does have her own mini radio show. But though she's quite busy Asami hasn't had that really large part that will make her a star though she doesn't appear disappointed.
 Another person we see more of in this and the next show is the girl's assistant manager Shoda who you can see in two of the above screenshots. As he was escorting Asami to another job the pair ran into an older woman by the name of Ogasawara. She once had Shoda's position at Ihara but is now at a much bigger talent agency, Ogasawara knows of Asami's quick rise in the world of voice acting and her goal will soon to get Asami working for the Very Fine agency.
 That may not be a hard task to do as Ogasawara blurted out to Shoda about the difficult times Ihara productions was having and would they soon be closing their voice actress department? That was news to Asami and we'll be hearing more about it in the next few episodes. But it is true so Shoda, along with Makoto above, visited a few studios to get the word out about Ihara's Seiyu's. For a spell the five girls were quite busy with projects but these days only Asami was getting a lot of work.

 One afternoon shortly after Ogasawara happened to be passing by a cafe when she noticed Asami by herself. She went into full recruiting mode on her as Ogasawara can't understand why a talent such as Asami is still working for Ihara, especially when they may soon be closing their voice actress department. Ogasawara has offered to meet with Asami at her Very Fine agency, Asami was a bit reluctant but seeing as how her agency may be closing agreed to meet her the following day.
 The contract Ogasawara offered Asami was quite impressive as her large roles would be increasing dramatically and it should be no time until she becomes a mega Seiyu star. Don't know what the salary was but Asami's eyes grew so large when she saw the figure. Asami is determined to be a star and has the talent for it, throughout this series she's been the most dedicated girl but deep down she does have some feelings about her current state.
 Asami would hate to leave the Ihara agency, they were the ones who have given her this chance and her two managers are always looking out for her. Also Asami would hate to give up her friends, she doesn't show it that often on the outside but really does care about Makoto and company. After the contract proposal Asami had requested a meeting with Oshima and his assistant Shoda to ask if the rumors are true about her department being on the verge of closing. It is true the pair had to admit, the voice acting department just hasn't been bringing in enough revenue and if it can't increase by the end of the fiscal year it'll have to close. Hearing that made Asami's decision much easier, she had to think of her future and told her managers that she'll soon be signing a contract with Ogasawara.

 Asami had told Ogasawara in their meeting she would make a final decision by Friday which was the following day. Asami is still quite reluctant to switch agencies but it appears she has no choice with Ihara's voice department on the verge of closing so she told Ogasawara she would be in the next day to give her the contract which Asami has signed at home. It's now that day and Asami arrived at the Very Fine offices but had been beaten there by Shoda who you can see above.
 Shoda is one good person, though he's losing his best talent he wanted nothing but the best for Asami's future and tried telling Ogasawara that at her office. She really didn't want to listen to Shoda but he wouldn't leave without knowing Asami was in the best hands possible, unknown to them there was a person listening to the conversation who was Asami. Shoda's concerns about her really hit home, so much that Asami began thinking of what's truly best for her. Should she take the safe way out and begin working with the Very Fine agency or stay with Ihara whose managers really care about her well being?
 That was a surprisingly easy decision for Asami who marched right up to Ogasawara and told her she would be staying with Shoda and his boss. She said while it's true that the voice acting department may close it hasn't happened yet and there's still a chance on saving it which is what Asami wants to do. Both Ogasawara and Shoda were stunned hearing Asami's speech but there was no changing her decision which left Shoda one pleased person and Ogasawara very disappointed. Back at the house the other girls didn't know the full details of what Asami almost did, Makoto did overhear her conversation with Oshima when Asami said she would be leaving but the pair never discussed it after. That huge development brought us to the end of this eighth episode.

 What I really need to do are a few posts for Yurika who is now smiling above hearing that. She's one decent actress and have now seen her in five dramas with two of them being both seasons of "Kakegurui". The only problem is she 's not a person who appears in magazines or does modeling work but I like the way she looks and acts so will be working on at least one to have by the end of the month. Two more recaps to go in this series, was going to wait but did view the final show.

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