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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nogizaka46: The sumptuous 'Miona Hori post' #20....

 Twenty solo posts is impressive as it puts Miona fourth on the Nogi list as only three other members have more than she does. However it's her first one since June 29th and like so many other members she's been way too quiet. Have been wanting to have a Miona post for over a month but there just weren't enough new happenings, actually unsure if there are all that many new pics but she's such a huge fave of mine thought she needed this post before fans forgot about her.

 This is also one of those 'spur of the moment' posts even though I had wanted to do this for a while so hence not a lot of time for my usual blabbering so let's get right to things and really hope there are many new pics. Miona has been the co-host for the Wednesday night 'Recon' radio show, she's been doing that for a few years now and these are from the past two shows.

 Have posted so many of Miona's Nogi cards this year it's slipped my mind which ones have been posted and which ones haven't. But am fairly sure all of these are new for here seeing how it's been two months since her last post.

 How about a few Miona pics from her Nogi blog? Sounds like a good idea to me and the top two pics just may be her best ones of the year. Upon further reflection they are her best of the year and aren't they so incredible!?

 Those bottom pics are with some members of I*Zone as Miona is a big fan of the group. She attended a concert of theirs last week and also was at one some months back. Sure many remember the "Zambi" drama which aired earlier this year, started out slow but ended up being a decent show, Miona was quite good in the show and I think she's a decent actress. The Blue-ray of the series just came out and these are from the mini photobook with it.

 Miona is an exclusive model for the ar magazine and have a few but not enough new pics from their site. Quite often she represents them at those huge 'Tokyo Girls Collection' shows but don't think she'll be appearing at their next show on September 7th. The new single comes out a few days before that so you would think she would be there so hopefully it's a mistake on my part.

 Six pics each from the September and October issues of ar.

 Small set from the October edition of Brody, that's Miria with Miona and have a feeling they're good friends as they were both Undergirls for too long.

 Final Miona item today is a bit of an older happening which took place on July 5th. On that date Nogi's second documentary was released and the premiere took place at the TOHO Cinemas in Hibiya. After the pics have a CM that came out in July for G-Tune computers.

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