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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hinatazaka46: Their monumental second '2020 Magazine scans post' plus much more!

 Think this may be the first time ever when there's been three consecutive posts for the trio of '46' groups and it may occur again in early March. Have a feeling Hina's older sister group Keya may still sell more copies of their next single even though they'll have gone a year between them. But feel that these days Hina has become much, much more popular than Keya is and it's easy to become a fan as these gals are so likable. it's a bit similar to Nogi versus AKB whose singles always sell more than Nogi's but overall AKB is no longer a match for them as far as popularity goes but that's also the case for all idol groups.
 Didn't have much time today as this will be the only post and had wanted it to be a mini one. But when it comes to making a mini post for a '46' group it's become an impossible feat. Bet there will be close to or over a hundred of pics for today but am still holding some back so there can be another post very soon, perhaps in the next day or two? Hina does have one group photobook which has sold over 150,000 copies. But think it's time for the members to start releasing their own solo books, there is one that I know of but what I wouldn't give to see her have a PB, gulp....

 Not many other solo Kyoko pics for today as I like to save them for her own posts, will have another one for her within the month and there was one in January. On February 19th Hina will release their fourth single and all have come out in the last year. Didn't care too much for their album or first single, songs were okay but nothing special. However their last two singles have been quite good, not just the hit song but also the B-sides to it. To me the songs have been sounding similar to some of Nogi's older ones, say from singles eight to fourteen and there's nothing wrong with that.
 Title of the fourth single is "Sonna Koto Nai Yo", there's a total of six songs on the four different versions. As she has been for all of Hina's singles Nao will be the center and obviously keeps getting chosen because of her name! Here are the covers for the single and the bottom pic is the lineup. Two of the B-side songs are in their new drama and sound terrific, more on the show coming up.

 There was a pair of Hina birthdays eleven days apart and have noticed this duo has so many pics together. On the left is Hina's captain Kumi who turned 24 on January 22nd, only one first generation member is younger than twenty. The other gal in the pics is Shiho who turned 22 three days ago and she's also deserving of a photobook.

 How about some Shiho solo pics which are from the Cancam site and she's an exclusive model for them. She and about seven other members will be at the next 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that will be held on February 29th, will have a post or two from it with a few members.

 For Hina's next post will try to have a bigger feature for Mei. Have been noticing her quite a bit lately as for some reason I'm really attracted to her and she does remind me quite a bit of Nanako from Keya. Will see if there's been any recent mag spreads or such for the next post, top three pics are new from the Nikkan Sports site as she's jumping for joy knowing Nao has discovered her(!) while the others are some recent ones from her blog.

 'Uni's on Air' is some sort of web gaming site which also has much news of both Hina and Keya who have characters that are part of a game. The site released New Year's pics for both groups and have a quartet here led off by the imcomparable Kyoko.

 Have a second quartet of members who are led off by the birthday gal Kumi.

 That's Nao at the bottom and she has the lead role of Yuria in Hina's second group drama "DASADA" which began almost three weeks ago. The show is being subbed and will be recapping it but will wait for a few more to be subbed. Thought the group's first series "Re: Mind" was quite good though the last episode wasn't a fitting ending.
 Have viewed the first episode of the new series which started out slow but think it's going to get better, lot of characters we don't know much about yet. The series is set at an all girl's high school with the main character being Yuria. Her parents own a small dress shop and while they're talented they live far beyond their means as the family is ten million yen in debt. The parents were being shaken down one night by their loan shark which had been overheard by Yuria.
 She stood up to the loan shark who was actually a decent guy and they made a deal where the money would be paid within six months. But how can a high school student expect to make that much money in six months, especially one that has no talents save for sewing? That's what the series will be about and as the first show ended Yuria had come into contact with a very smart student named Saori. This gal doesn't like Yuria at all but Saori had been secretly designing some new dresses, what the drama will be about is the pair hooking up to create them and save Yuria's family.

 First spread is promoting the drama and is from the February issue of Entame.

 Have six mag spreads but think I'll just have half of them for today as there's already quite a few pics plus this way it'll mean the next post can be done sooner. Number two for today's spreads is another group one that's from the January 6th edition of Young Magazine.

 In the "Re: Mind" drama all of the members did a decent job at acting though a few stood out. One was Kumi who to me was had the second most interesting character in the show and it appears her role in the new show will be somewhat large too. Kumi may not have the obvious attractive looks of other Idols but I think she looks darn good and she's the cover girl for today's final spread that's from the March issue of Big One Girls. After the superb pics have a new PV from the upcoming single. The song is titled "Naze" and I think it's such a fabulous tune, it's featured in the closing credits of the current drama. In the show there's this J-Pop trio called Factory who the cast all like and it's them in the song, helps a lot that the new fave of mine Mei is also in the PV.

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