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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Nanami Hashimoto: Happy(?) 27th birthday....

 It's been so long since her departure was at the point thinking she wouldn't have any more solo posts. But it's been kind of a slower stretch for happenings lately plus around this date it's hard not to have Nanami in your(my) mind so thought why not keep her memory alive for a little while longer? These three years since Nanami's graduation have really flown by, often it's easy to forget about her because it's been three years but then again kind of missing her more as time goes on and especially with so many recent and upcoming departures of first generation members.
 Perhaps there's a few new Nogi fans who may not know all that much about Nanami, if not she has eighty other solo posts to check out. No one really has any clue what she's been up to the past three years which is okay as she wanted her privacy. In all honesty thought she'd be taking a long break instead of a permanent retirement from show biz which obviously hasn't been the case and wonder if it's been too long for her to make a comeback?

 Won't make this too long of a post as of course there's been no new pics for three years. But do have some oldies for fans to enjoy and not going to speculate on what's going on in her life these days. But it is a shame Nanami did leave as she was in line to become my #1 Idol of all time and perhaps may have become my all time number one fave from Japan.
 Though no new pics do have a few that have never been seen before from her February 20, 2017 farewell concert, on that day she turned 24. That show was subbed and have viewed it at least 25 times but never have seen the final twenty minutes as I know the tears would probably stream out. The concert was held at the Saitama Super Arena, it was the first time Nogi had performed there. The show began with the group doing Nanami's farewell single "Ima no Sayanara", it was the only time she centered a single.

 Some older b-day pics and had never seen her before with the bottom two gals.

 Nanami's final batches of Nogi group cards.

 There's so many older Nanami pics I could have posted and really couldn't decide which ones as all are fabulous and there were too many to choose from. Have a pair of older spreads and must have a hundred of them posted, all of them were mainly from 2014 to early 2017. Here's a set from exactly four years ago from the February 2016 issue of Brody.

 This may have been Nanami's last major solo spread which is from the March 2017 edition of UTB and she was just looking so utterly perfect towards the end.

 This will wrap things up as I didn't want to dwell on the past too much but then again also didn't want to forget about one of my all time faves and I truly wonder if we've heard the last of her? Hard to walk away when you're so immensely popular and Nanami certainly was, not just with the fans but also with the members who had so many tears streaming out during her final show. After these perfect pics have a video featuring Nanami and one of her best Nogi mates who will also sadly be departing from Nogi in about five weeks....

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