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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Maneki Kecak: Bomb-TV pics from September 2018 with Reona and Rin....

 Bit of a small collection of pics for today but didn't want to include them in a Maneki group post. Seems most viewers are lukewarm about the group but that's always been the case for Idol groups that don't have a '46' in their name save for the occasional '48' member solo post. Next week though will have another post for the group and I do highly recommend their tunes. They have more of an upbeat style compared to Nogi, probably more on the lines of older Morning Musume songs.
 The group's leader is Miyu who is also the Maneki's oldest gal but unsure if she's appeared in many mags, if so will just have them in group posts. But a pair who have both done many gravure sets are Reona, on the left above and Rin. Undecided if either will have any solo posts and that'll depend on how many group spreads there are. The duo did appear in one set together which was from issue #52 of WPB back in 2017 and the pair deserved many more than just the four pages.

 This Bomb-TV pictorial came out in September 2018, posted the pics the following month which had been Maneki's only post up until two days ago. That post received a bare amount of views which really surprised me, deleted the original post but have all of the pics today which I hope are more popular the second time around. To me Reona and Rin are two very alluring young women, they and the group are popular in Japan so wonder why not here(yet)? The pics are superb but my only complaint is that the set consisted of only thirty pics, usually there's about seventy of them and the collection is broken down into three weeks.

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