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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Korean drama "Choco Bank": Episode's one and two recap

 Air Dates: February 15th to February 19, 2016 on Naver-TV
Series aired five consecutive nights, six shows in total that averaged 15 minutes in length

 There will be a different video at the top for all of these three recaps, one above for today is a short promo one that has some behind the scenes footage.

Main Cast:

 Park Eun-Bin as Ha Cho-Co.... owner of the 'Choco Bank' chocolate cafe, you can see the play with her name. The cafe is really struggling but perhaps with the help of a man she just met she can turn the tide as she's behind on all of her bills.

Kai as Kim Eun-Haeng.... the man Cho-Co met by accident and because of that she forced him to work at her cafe. He's been unemployed for five years though has a degree and in Korean Eun-Haeng means Bank.

Yun Joon-Suk as Bae Dal-Soo.... Cho-Co's childhood friend who also works at the cafe.

Lee Chae-Won as Hong Cherry(!).... reporter who we didn't meet until the fourth show and is doing some features on the cafe.

Lee Ii-Hwa as Mrs. Kim.... Eun-Haeng's mother who had no idea he was unemployed.

 Small cast but a small drama as the running time was just 86 minutes but a very enjoyable show, these mini series are faves of mine and how I wish there were more of them.

 That's Eun-Haeng in the top two screenshots, the show began off with that scene of him appearing to work at a bank. That's not the case but even his mother for five years had thought her son had a prestigious job at a bank but unknown to her that wasn't the case. Those screenshots were of our main male character dreaming that he had a job, somehow for five years Eun-Haeng has been out of work even though he's such a whiz at finances and does have a college degree. Eun-Haeng being out of work had brought a question to my mind is how did he support himself over those five years, especially when his family was in debt due to his father passing away.
 We learned Eun-Haeng had been unemployed when a security guard woke him up as he had been dozing in the lobby of a company. He had been searching the want ads with his usual zero success and still can't fathom how he couldn't get any kind of job. Eun-Haeng left the lobby in a daze and shortly after he heard the screams of a man shouting 'Stop that thief!'. As Eun-Haeng turned around he saw a young woman carrying a bag about to run past him. Eun-Haeng stopped the thief and like a good citizen handed the bag which was full of cash back to the man who immediately jumped in a taxi and said 'Thanks for the money Sis, I'll pay you back!'.

 For his action we should call Eun-Haeng an anti-hero as he nabbed the innocent person! He finally deduced that the woman was running away from the man and his soon to be partner was beside herself with fury. That woman's name is Cho-Co(!) and believe me she's heard many jokes about that from too many people, especially the woman at the bank she just left. That bag contained 5 million Won and she needed the cash to pay off her debts for her small chocolate cafe, Choco Bank. That man who yelled at Eun-Haeng to stop Cho-Co was her brother and to her that money is gone for good, what is Eun-Haeng going to do to make it up to her?
 She brought Eun-Haeng back to her cafe to 'interrogate' him and to Cho-Co's amazement he's been out of work for five years! That bewildered her as unknown to us at the time Cho-Co had watched Eun-Haeng every morning head to his job or at least she presumed that's where he was going. Like us viewers she couldn't understand why such an intelligent business minded person like Eun-Haeng be unemployed for so long, was there something seriously wrong with him? Cho-Co thought to herself, 'what can I do with this man who is broke but owes me five million Won?'.

 The only thought that came to her mind was to have Eun-Haeng work at her cafe. Of course she had no money so paying him was out of the question so Cho-Co did the math, if he works for no salary for three months that will total five million Won. Eun-Haeng was aghast at the idea but with no options he had to agree but think he may have relished the thought of actually having any kind of work. Cho-Co was very inept at financial matters and Eun-Haeng could see why the cafe was losing money, he volunteered to help her out with all of the bills, promoting and more.
 Cho-Co was so impressed with Eun-Haeng's skills, so much that she made an offer that the two of them should become partners. It took some wheeling and dealing but as you can see above the two are now partners though not in crime. These two shows just totaled 26 minutes so it's getting close to the end of the second show, that partnership was made but for now we didn't have any idea what changes were to come to the cafe. As the second episode ended the front door opened, a young man entered with Cho-Co uttering 'Dal-Su?' who we'll meet in the next recap.

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